Q3 Build Challenge

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  • #6599

    Entries accepted at the Q3 meeting. If you cannot attend, online entry will be accepted in this thread.

    Must fit on a 16 x 16 baseplate without going over. No height restriction. Purist, always.

    Build a castle. The best castle, as determined by me, will win:

    79000 Riddles for The Ring


    Matt Redfield

    Purist, always.

    That’s church.

    Greg Schubert

    That’s church.

    That’s swag.

    David H Donley

    What does “purist, always” mean exactly? That it has to be a literal castle vs a figurative castle? Or just that it must contain only Lego brick?

    Matt Redfield

    pur·ist noun \ˈpyu̇r-ist\
    : a person who has very strong ideas about what is correct or acceptable and who usually opposes changes to traditional methods and practices

    A LEGO creation that does not include any customizations, such as decals, modified parts, or custom accessories from third-party vendors like BrickArms, BrickForge, and Big Ben Bricks. A form of religious fundamentalism. Contrast with Custom.

    I’d love to see what a figurative castle is…

    David H Donley

    A figurative castle, where the term castle is a metaphor. Like my home is my castle, or my “stud dungeon is my castle”. Or perhaps an homage to the TV show “Castle”.

    Matt Redfield

    Ah, I was thinking something like this:


    David H Donley

    Now I want to build a picture of a Lego castle with “This is not Lego” underneath.


    Or perhaps an homage to the TV show “Castle”.

    Sweet idea! “Castle” is one of my favorite shows. Maybe someone can do a brick built Castle and Beckett vignette. 🙂


    Since I’m seeing a bunch of people rsvp they’re entering, I’m going to go ahead and add a large and small pab cup redemption to the awards. first person will get to pick if they’d rather have the set or cup (and second person will chose if there is still a choice).

    Greg Schubert

    I’m going to go ahead and add a large and small pab cup redemption to the awards.

    Dang, now the pressure is REALLY on. So how lenient will you be with the rules? In particular I am concerned about the no overhang.


    0 tolerance.

    Greg Schubert

    0 tolerance.

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    Matt Redfield

    A LEGO creation that does not include any customizations, such as decals, modified parts, or custom accessories from third-party vendors like BrickArms, BrickForge, and Big Ben Bricks. A form of religious fundamentalism. Contrast with Custom.

    Or, in other words, “Contrast with anything Ben builds; those mohawks and mushrooms are non-canon. NON-CANON, I tell you!” 😉 (see, I used a winky face this time so you know I’m just joking around. Even though I kinda resent the mushrooms. But it’s cool. No, really – it’s cool.)

    In other news, I’ve got an award and a figurative castle to build, not to mention those long awaited MOCs, my country’s 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it; I’m swamped. So little to do, and so much time! Wait; strike that, reverse that…



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