Summer Display – PA Trolley Museum

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    Hello Everyone!

    With all of the other things going on over this summer I did not want to add this to the extensive list for the LUG meeting, but I am planning on putting up a small display at the Trolley Museum on 28-29 June for the annual Car Show weekend. If anyone is interested you’re welcome to come down and contribute. Set up will be that Friday (27) and we’ll clean up on Sunday.

    If you have any questions I will be happy to address them. Thanks!

    Benjamin C Good

    Unfortunately I will not be in town that weekend, otherwise I’d come help out.


    I’m sure I’ll come by for a shift at least. I do want to work on a building or two that would be in LUG rotation…

    Matt Redfield

    I’ll be there if possible. Haven’t gotten my head around anything beyond my work trip (May 4-14) and the ICF just yet…


    An update on this display. The display will be set up in the main visitors center, which is a different room than the Christmas display. I’ve set up a doodle if anyone is interested in bringing stuff/staffing the display. Friday time is for setup, I’ll be here all day so whatever time works for anyone who wants to help out is fine. Saturday and Sunday are split into 4 hour shifts. Cleanup is Sunday Evening.


    Benjamin C Good

    Oooh, I’d forgotten about this. My schedule has changed, I should be around for this.

    Matt Redfield

    I am not ready to lock down specific shifts, but good lord willing an’ the creek don’t rise, I’ll be there for some of this.

    Speaking of which… Laura, didja want your trains n’at that were at LVRR back? They’re safe at my house but if you wanted to work on them / fix anything we broke whilst tearing down (if anything is buggered, it was Susie’s fault!), we should maybe meet up some time soon so you have time to get ready… will you be at the Cranberry Library install on June 7?


    I heard I was being maligned. Watch it, or you’ll need to find someone else who excels at telling kids not to touch stuff. 😉

    Matt Redfield

    First rule of jocular blameshifting is to pick the least likely culprit.


    wow, so still only laura on the doodle…

    who is building what??? who is helping staff?

    Matt Redfield

    I don’t think I can commit to building for this one, but I can probably staff… just don’t know when yet. Maybe when I get back from Canada I can figure that out. 😛

    Matt Redfield

    Maybe when I get back from Canada I can figure that out. 😛

    Apparently our site doesn’t know what “: P” is supposed to be…

    Benjamin C Good

    Ha, I was about to agree with you but I think if you look at it really closely, instead of an open read smiley mouth, it’s actually just a very indistinctly drawn tongue. Somebody needs to Gene-Simmonsify that thing.

    I signed up. Can we hang later than 5 on Friday? Friday evening would probably work better for me. I will be bringing the same six plates of stuff (observation platform, chess, fountain, trees) that I did to Ligonier. I *may* get a plate or two more of grass and trees built, and I maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay get an expanded fountain built (I’ve acquired all the necessary parts, I think) but I’m not expecting to have anything else done by then.

    We’ll have to wait and hear from Susie, but Ben predicts a) she will come Sunday but not Friday and 2) I can bring along her Fire Brigade and Palace Cinema if they’re needed.

    Dan Waksman

    I’m brand new and looking to lend a hand; will there be any work done prior to Friday the 27th to prepare the display?

    Benjamin C Good

    Dan, we did a display at the Trolley Museum last Nov/Dec, you can see my pics here:

    and Matt’s here:

    Santa Trolley Display

    At the very least, this one will be different in that it’ll be de-winterized. We also did the Ligonier show at the beginning of May, you can see Dac’s pics here:

    LEGO Steel City LUG – LVRR Show 2014

    I expect a lot of overlap from that too. If you have things you think might be useful to bring, the best thing to do would be to list them here, and if it’s MOCs rather than sets, post pics if you can. You won’t need to worry too much about pic quality, we’d just have to have an idea of what it’s like and how much space it’ll take up. I don’t know who’s making final decisions on this one (it’s not me), on some events it’s not as much planned as ‘bring what you have and we’ll see what fits.’

    Benjamin C Good

    PS – Josh is big on the group being low-pressure, so – not that I am discouraging you from bringing stuff – if you wanted to even just show up empty-handed just to meet people and see how it goes, nobody would complain or even find this unusual.


    We’ll have to wait and hear from Susie, but Ben predicts a) she will come Sunday but not Friday and 2) I can bring along her Fire Brigade and Palace Cinema if they’re needed.

    Alas, you know me too well. I can’t do Friday, but will help Sunday, and my Fire Brigade and Cinema are available. I can send those with Ben.


    Is the idea just to improvise the display? MILS? street baseplates/brickbuilt? table clothes needed?

    Dan Waksman

    Wow, all of the displays look awesome! Honestly right now I mostly build sets and any MOCs are pretty basic when I’m playing with my son. I have a bin of old unsorted pieces from when I was younger, but other than that, the rest are from my son’s sets, so I don’t have a lot to work with. If I can help with building anything ahead of time or setting up, I’m happy to.


    I may be able to be there Saturday afternoon but it is still uncertain so I have not put anything on the Doodle.

    Dan Waksman

    Since I’m brand new, would it be more helpful for me to assist with setup/cleanup or being there for the actual event?

    The only older set I have that I can think of that might fit the theme would be the Delivery Center

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Dan Waksman.
    David H Donley

    I should be able to help out one of the days. Busy weekends with coaching baseball but I will update the doodle closer to the event.


    Since I’m brand new, would it be more helpful for me to assist with setup/cleanup or being there for the actual event?

    New has no factor in it. You don’t even have to limit yourself to one. Which do you want to do? Sounds like this one could use extra hands and eyes setting up, but it could be chaotic, so be prepared. Staffing events is always nice to have people to cover breaks and to be able to socialize. Everyone should feel empowered to define their own involvement based on what they enjoy and what they want to contribute.

    Seems like we’re going to have a set to raffle each day:
    7213 off-road fire truck
    7937 Train station

    We’ve got a lot of 4×4 green plate and 2×4 brown plate. Does anyone have any construction vehicles? I was thinking we could fill a few baseplates easily on setup day with a construction site and plop down the LEGO movie title in the middle of it as if they’re working on something.

    Greg Schubert

    display at the Trolley Museum on 28-29 June

    I will be out of town that weekend.


    Just pinging the board to send this topic to the top of the list. Do we have enough volunteers? People bringing stuff? Etc etc etc.

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