SPAAAAACE! …and you too!

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  • #33681
    Rich Millich

    After reading @joshhall’s post about large Space displays and how unified they look, I thought, “The way we Spacers do it is even better and more exciting in opportunities over the longer run so far.” So, be it’s time we actually write down and introduce ourselves, what we really like to build, and what elements of Space appeal to us.

    Anyone, EVERYone, in this LUG has something to contribute to Space, adding your areas of expertise:, whether it be trains, City/Town “citizen” building, plants and landscape, architecture, microscale, cars and trucks, and even medieval building. (Space ruins are COOL.)

    Why NOT create a Space thread for discussion and inspiration, for anyone who wants to try? There are enough of us who are into it or curious but have never tried, and more than enough opportunities, and I for one think up new things every other day! So, give it some thought, LUGgers.

    Spacers, introduce yourselves. Those who aren’t into it, post anyway. Dig in. One of this niche’s sayings within LEGO is, “ANYthing can be made into Space.”

    Will McDine

    I feel like this is a great thing to talk about and can make our unification and dedicated standard talks much better

    Rich Millich

    Well, of course! From your style perspective, Will, most space forces need security and medical forces, and in space, fire uses up precious oxygen fast, and water and foam don’t work the same way in low gravity, for example. What I find interesting in other styles contributing in Space is how they’d adapt to higher technology (including science fiction), low gravity, G-forces, alien environments, and other things. This really opens up changes in shaping, construction and style. Knowing some terminology helps, much like me learning architectural or train terms would inspire me to merge into that style better.

    Rich Millich

    Space is for everybody, so, again, welcome aboard!

    Here are the Space factions that LEGO put out, pretty much in order:

    Classic Space
    Futuron / Blacktron I
    Space Police I
    M-Tron / Blacktron II
    Space Police II
    Ice Planet 2002
    Spyrius / Unitron
    Life on Mars
    Mars Mission
    Space Police III
    Alien Conquest
    Galaxy Squad

    Beyond these, there are broad AFOL created factions. Most are reimaginings, such as Neo-Classic Space. M-Tron and Blacktron remain popular today, and there are thriving communities with custom builds surrounding these lines.

    Even further beyond are individual AFOL created factions, and at least three of us in this LUG have custom Space factions of our own.

    So, I ask the LUG, what lines are your favorites? Do you have a custom faction, and what it is like? Do you wish you could reimagine one of the old lines to polish it? Do you have a custom Space faction you wish you could create on your own?

    What is the coolest Space faction you know, and what’s cool about it?

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