DISCLAIMER: This isn’t mine. And I thought about posting in “LEGO Deals”, but it’s not necessarily a “deal”, per se.
Someone’s selling Wall-E on eBay. It’s a pretty good representation, although at $16.99, 2″ tall and probably < 50 pcs, you’re paying quite a lot for the custom “Wall-E” decal. I’m pretty sure any of us with motivation could easily replicate this; hence it not really being a “deal.” Anyway, just thought it was a neat little build.
[rant / deep discussion following]
Kinda follows the lines of artists doing mash-ups of pop culture and selling, though, which can open up huge cans of worms for intellectual property, etc. Example: people mash up Calvin & Hobbes with Firefly, or Star Wars, or just about anything, really… then sell t-shirts; meanwhile, Bill Watterson was vehemently against merchandising C&H. I love tributes, but profiting from them seems… less “artistic” and more “opportunistic”…