0-6-2 Tank Engine

Home Forums MOCs 0-6-2 Tank Engine

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 months ago by Dan.
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    So some lads from across the pond contacted me and asked if I could design a train that they work on IRL, the Number 29 0-6-2 Tank Engine. Coincidentally, it’s my lil bro’s favorite train from Thomas the Tank Engine. (The train “Duck” is apparently based on it.) So for my 50th train design project as “Phoenix Train Works,” I decided to make this. It’s at a larger size to accommodate a Powered UP battery box and train motor; and it’s articulated to navigate standard track.

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    Very cool! I can’t quite tell where the articulation point is, is it just the rear axle?


    Thanks. Yes, the rear axle is articulated while the front wheels are blind. (It’s a unique technique carried over from some of my other trains.)


    Very cool! I like the hook for the link coupler in front!

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