Lego Lord of the Rings/Hobbit

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    I just purchased 3 Uruk Hai Army (9471) and 3 Riddles for the ring (79000). The Riddles for the Ring is an awesome castle builder set it comes with a lot of great parts, and if you do not care for the minifigs like myself, you can get almost what you paid for the set for them :). I would love to swap some of the parts from them let me know if you are interested in swapping!


    I am definitely looking to expand my Uruk-hai and Rohan armies, so count me in.


    pardon my lack of knowledge in this area but I know what the Uruk-hai are but which ones are the Rohan?


    The Horse Lords of the Mark, the Rhohirrim, who have sworn to help Gondor in their darkest hour, led by the good King Thoeden, and his nephew Eomer, the Third Marshal of the Westmarch. Sorry, I guess it’s easy to see who my favorite faction is. They are the humans in the Uruk Hai army set.


    I still have 3 Eomers, 3 of his archer buddies (Rohan?), 3 Leader Uruk Hai (ones with hair), 3 bilbo  baggins and 3 gollums.


    Excellent. I could definitely use all of the figures from the Rohan (both Eomer and the archers.) I could also use the Uruk Hai. Would you be willing to trade the horses as well?


    Eomer can come with his horse, I just bought the set for the pieces. I am pretty sure I sold you some pirates off craigslist a while back, I may trade for some brick but cash is king and easier to get the stuff I am after. Thanks!

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