2019 Cranberry First Night – November 22-23

Home Forums LUG discussions 2019 Cranberry First Night – November 22-23

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    Cranberry Township has contacted me to see if the LUG can participate in First Night again this year. For those who are unfamiliar, this is the Township’s “light up” night to kick off the Christmas season. The display is Friday evening from 6:00-9:00 pm and then also the following day from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The vast majority of people come on Friday evening; Saturday is normally just people who are coming to the Library/Municipal Center and happen to come across the display. This year’s First Night is Friday, November 22. Please let me know by the end of this week if you are interested in participating. We’ve done this with as few as 2 people, but 6-8 (or more) is ideal. Thank you.




    I’ve gone ahead and RSVP’d for this event. I can do it and hopefully a few others can as well. In the past, we’ve done a Christmas layout, a town layout, and a theme park layout. While it is wide open and everything is welcome, I will probably stick to a Town centric layout focused around the Library Building I build for the “Libraries Rock” summer theme last year.

    Benjamin C Good

    Because of the lateness of Thanksgiving this year, I will be in town for this for the first time since 2014. So I’m gonna plan to show up. Maybe I can get a small winter scene put together so I’m contributing more than just pine trees this time.


    This is coming next Friday (November 22); my how time flies. Other than me, Dan, Ben, and Bob, is anyone else considering staffing and/or contributing? This will be one night only (no holdover Saturday this time) so set up, hold the event, and tear down all in one glorious evening.

    Skipper Mike

    I could potentially submit my fire pit for the winter scene. I’m not sure I can make it to cranberry in time for set up though.

    Greg Schubert

    Anne and I are planning to bring basically the same display I had at the train show in Monroeville; the display occupied one full convention center table. I had not planned on bringing the track or the train that traveled around the winter village. Is anyone coming who would like to bring a train and track?

    Benjamin C Good

    I can bring 9V or RC track, depending on what you want. I do not have a working train to bring right now.

    I might bring pine trees and white wedge plates just in case there’s small spaces to fill.

    , what time are we showing up on Friday? I have to admit that I almost forgot about this event.


    you guys need anything?

    Greg Schubert

    you guys need anything?

    A 9V Christmas train would be good for First Night because it is Christmas themed. (In the past you could decorate cookies, see live reindeer, witness the arrival of Santa!)

    If no one else is bringing a suitable train, I will try to cobble together a 9V train.

    Bob Grier

    It’s not “Christmas themed”, but I have a 9v motorized black Steam Engine and tender that I can bring, that could be coupled with two “unmarked” red passenger cars from my Hogwarts Express to kind of look like a Polar Express?? OK, it’s a bit of a stretch, but it would be better than no train at all!

    I’ll also be bringing my HP “desktop art” items, i.e. Hedwig, Sorting Hat, Harry’s wand and glasses, Tom Riddle’s diary, lantern, candle, quill, and my latest addition, Chocolate Frogs!!

    Greg Schubert

    my latest addition, Chocolate Frogs!!

    I can’t wait to see them, although they only have one good jump in them.

    Jim Rolfe

    When is the setup for this event? I may be able to help with setup if needed as I am off on Friday during the day. Is there anything that is still needed for the event? I have the winter sets for the last few years including the train if needed…I would just need to put them together tonight/tomorrow/Friday morning quickly.

    Train: https://brickset.com/sets/10254-1/Winter-Holiday-Train

    , what do you need for this?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Jim Rolfe.
    Jim Rolfe

    It’s not “Christmas themed”, but I have a 9v motorized black Steam Engine and tender that I can bring, that could be coupled with two “unmarked” red passenger cars from my Hogwarts Express to kind of look like a Polar Express?? OK, it’s a bit of a stretch, but it would be better than no train at all!

    I’ll also be bringing my HP “desktop art” items, i.e. Hedwig, Sorting Hat, Harry’s wand and glasses, Tom Riddle’s diary, lantern, candle, quill, and my latest addition, Chocolate Frogs!!

    , I also have the latest Hogwarts Express built if you needed a couple extra cars to couple in.


    you guys need anything?

    White table clothes would be nice. I’ll bring my dark green ones just so we have some table cover but if anyone has white, that would be great. Extra white brick for making snow would be wonderful as well.

    Is anyone coming who would like to bring a train and track?

    I will be bringing track and at least the Metroliner (and probably the Santa Fe) – both using 9v motors.

    what time are we showing up on Friday? I have to admit that I almost forgot about this event.

    I’ll be there around 3:30 pm to start set up but anytime after 3:00 pm is fine. I sent an email today to the contact at Cranberry Township to confirm. We will be in the Council Chambers as always.

    I have a 9v motorized black Steam Engine and tender that I can bring, that could be coupled with two “unmarked” red passenger cars from my Hogwarts Express to kind of look like a Polar Express?? OK, it’s a bit of a stretch, but it would be better than no train at all!

    Sounds great!

    I have the winter sets for the last few years including the train if needed

    Yes, that would be wonderful!

    Bob Grier

    @bengood921, please bring your 9v track as well, in case we need more than what Tim has. If you have a 9v speed controller, connecting wires and a power supply, please bring those as well. If not, let us know so we can make other plans. Thanks!

    , the couple of extra Hogwarts Express cars you have would also be good to add to mine. Thanks!


    Darn, I’m working at noon tomorrow and won’t be able to make a run up north to get he white table clothes or bricks to anyone tomorrow. You’ll be alright without?

    Greg Schubert

    One of us should have a white tablecloth or two.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Greg Schubert.

    You’ll be alright without?

    No worries. We figure it out. 🙂

    Benjamin C Good

    Right now I have two 9V controllers I can bring (I almost gave up on finding the connecting wires – since I usually am using the controllers for GBC, those wires aren’t needed, and they weren’t in the first five places I looked).

    I have a container of curved track and cross track. None of it is marked, so we’ll have to keep track of it if we use it. I can not find my straight track. I used it all for my park, and so when that was taken care of, I think I tucked that track away with stuff for rebuilding it, but I don’t know where it is. So I’m not bringing any. I do have four straight tracks, so we could cloverleaf it, but that requires a large table space that we probably won’t have.

    I also have white wedge plates and pine trees. I don’t have anything else to bring right now, the Lego situation here is still a bit unorganized. I’m aiming to arrive between 3:30 and 4.

    Bob Grier

    Pics from this event have been uploaded to the LUG Gallery. To view them, go to the upper right corner of this page, click on “Gallery”, and then click on the “Cranberry First Night 2019” album.

    Pretty steady crowd most of the evening, with 30-40 people in the room during peak hours. Even though it wasn’t supposed to start until 6:00 pm, people started coming in as early as 4:30 pm while we were still setting up. I’d guess 400-500 people total, but that might be conservative.

    Couple of casualties from young hands “reaching in” to touch stuff on the tables (no sneeze guards). Mostly derailments, with one engine and tender that hit the floor, but all repairable pretty quickly. We put white tape on the floor about a foot away from the tables as a “stay behind the line” attempt, with mixed results. Note for next year to keep the tracks further away from the table edges wherever we can.

    , @greg, or @bengood921, if any of you have additional photos that you want me to add to the Gallery album, just forward them to me at rgrier@consolidated.net and I’ll get them uploaded.


    Thank you everyone for coming Friday evening. That was another great Fist Night. I hope everyone had a chance to go outside to see the ice sculptures; they were very impressive. I stopped by earlier today (they are still there although starting to melt a bit and a few have fallen over and broker due to the bottoms melting and becoming unstable). and rode the ice ramp!

    @joshhall credits are as follows:

    Display: Bob, Jim, Ben, Greg, Anne, Dan Walker, and Tim
    Staffing (2 credits – one for setup/tear down and one for one shift): same as above

    Thank you.

    Jim Rolfe

    Awe man….I wanted to try the ice slide! Line was too long Friday and my middle child was in a mood about not talking to Santa. Next year…maybe.

    Bob Grier

    Couple more pics of the “young faces in the crowd” from this event have been added to the Gallery album, courtesy of Greg and Anne.


    Awe man….I wanted to try the ice slide!

    @tcsbgdady the slide is still there and you can ride it until it melts. 🙂

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