2021 Fall Display – PA Trolley

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    That got dark fast.

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    Krista K

    Unfortunately, I’m not going to make it this weekend. As I was putting together my haunted house, I had a large number of pieces crack and break. Weirdly it was only reddish brown or dark brown pieces. Anyone ever see this before? It was quite frustrating. I had hoped all of the replacement parts would be here by now, but no such luck.

    Anyway, could someone snap some pictures and send them to me so I can post them social media? Can send via text, email, post in this thread, post on Flickr. I’m flexible. 😊

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    Benjamin C Good

    << I had a large number of pieces crack and break. Weirdly it was only reddish brown or dark brown pieces. Anyone ever see this before? It was quite frustrating.

    Apparently this is a known problem (although I did not know that it extends to dark brown). I haven’t looked up any information about it, I heard about it from Rachel, who happened across it a year or two ago, and she said that Lego has acknowledged it. Presumably, since Lego knows about it, they’ve fixed it going forward, so it should only happen to older pieces.

    It first happened to me four or five years ago, I had thought that I’d put the bag of pieces too close to the heat vent and that that did something to them to make them brittle. I also used a bunch of brown plates for internal support in the space plants build and a couple broke when I took it apart last month. I also recently ran into it with dark red, when I was taking apart something in my nephew’s collection, a couple plates broke.

    I’ve only run into it a few times so far, and only with plates, although I see tiles in Krista’s photo. So Lego is sending replacements? To date, the total number I’ve had break is less than ten, but that may be because most of my brown plates are sitting in containers waiting to be used, I have hundreds and hundreds that I threw on BL orders (especially those with free shipping) over a period of several years because they’re the cheapest and most plentiful of all plates and are useful in a variety of situations, including ones where the color doesn’t matter because they can’t be seen. So if I end up with hundreds of broken parts, I don’t know if I will get satisfaction from Lego or not.

    I know other people in the LUG are aware of it too, when we were redeeming cups at Q3, somebody asked Frost if he wanted some brown parts, and he said ‘No, unless I want a pile of broken plastic’, and everybody laughed. So word is getting around, but again, I’d have to look up when Lego made the announcement and what the time period is for production of bad parts.

    Krista K

    Thanks @bengood921! I had no idea! I’m relieved it’s not just me. I picked the set up off eBay a number of years ago, but only now started putting it together so I thought maybe the guy sent them cracked before and I never noticed. I did also have a brick break on me too. I didn’t try LEGO customer service because I thought it was just this set, but I may give them a try next time. In the meantime, I was going to add some tombstones to it so I tacked some pieces onto that BL order hopefully arriving today.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Krista K.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Krista K.
    Greg Schubert

    I broke a light green 1×2 tile this week, certainly not an “old” piece.

    Anyway, the “Pumpkin Trolley” LEGO setup seemed to be going according to plan. Tim, Pete, Mike, Tom and Laura completed the display … I’m interested to see how it turned out.

    Greg Schubert

    October 15-17 & 22-24

    … also wondering why pumpkin trolley does not carry through Halloween

    Benjamin C Good

    I’m waiting for somebody to post Pumpkin Trolley pics to Flickr.


    I’m waiting for Ben to come see the displays for himself.

    Greg Schubert


    (he could also look at the LUG’s facebook page, but don’t tell him)

    Benjamin C Good

    >> I’m waiting for Ben to come see the displays for himself.

    I didn’t come to see them yesterday cause I was too busy spending 9 hours sorting your LUGBulk orders 😛

    And Josh told me yesterday that they’re on FB, my mention of Flickr was deliberate.


    I recently had two 1×4 brown tiles break at one end. They were from LUGBULK (I think 2019 but may have been 2018). I had ordered 100 so now I have 98 left. 😀


    Is tear down at 4:15 or 6pm Sunday? I’m making plans to pick up Kerri’s and my truck.

    Greg Schubert

    It’s a long way to Washington PA, so unless you just want to see the display in person, almost anyone can pickup the truck for you.


    I’m looking forward to seeing the display in person, and shopping at the outlet mall 🙂


    @legoleia51 Kerri had also asked if I could bring back her stuff. So if it turns out you can not make it on Sunday, I am happy to also bring it back north. 🙂

    Greg Schubert

    From what I saw, the outlet mall is almost entirely clothing. Just sayin’.


    Anyone get any pictures of the final display yet? Looking forward to seeing it IRL Sunday but always love looking at pics as well. 🙂


    $300 received from this event! Thanks everyone who participated!

    Benjamin C Good

    Hey Laura, I don’t know if you’re following the Moonbase thread, of if you receive a notification if somebody tags you in a post, but your name came up and we have a question we really need you to answer, so if you could help us out, it would be much appreciated, thanks. Specifically, Tim mentioned you in this post:


    Sorry, this post isn’t Pumpkin Trolley related, I just wanted to put it where I thought Laura was most likely to see it.

    Bob Grier

    I know @tfdesigns took a lot of detailed pics of the display before we started teardown last Sunday. Here are a couple of overall pics, which I know @bengood921 always likes to see!!

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    I was a bit late to tear down so it was already in progress when I arrived on Sunday. So I never saw the entirety of the assembled display. Great job in that there was really very little dead space (no pun intended for a Halloween display). Everything looks nice and full with lots of details to enjoy. Great job everyone!

    Rich Millich

    Man, do I like that country town theme. It’s just unique, and it’s a very chill vibe.

    Maybe one event we can do a country town / fair / carnival with rides with a train layout.


    Total PAB numbers for this event (Contributors = 1 Cup; Staffing = .5 cup per shift)

    Evan – 1
    Renee – 1.5
    Mike – 2
    Tom – 2
    Kerri – 2
    Tim – 2
    Bob – 2
    Laura – 4
    Pete – 4
    Greg – 2
    Josh – 1

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Laura.

    Since Kerri and I built the truck together, do I also get a Contributor credit? This is our first collaboration, not sure how that works.


    Since Kerri and I built the truck together, do I also get a Contributor credit? This is our first collaboration, not sure how that works.

    absolutely. collabs are encouraged.

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