Actors with 2 or more Character minifigs?

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  • #7329
    Benjamin C Good

    Wait, shouldn’t Blanchett only count once we actually have a Galadriel? Is one coming out in an upcoming set that I don’t know about? Oh wait, I found the link above. They’ve taken the pic out, but the info is still there. Sweet.

    Anyway, we went to the movies tonight:

    Lee Pace: Thranduil the Elvenking, Ronan the Accuser

    You heard it here first, got it yes!!!

    Matt Redfield

    Regardless of whether the majority agrees with Tim that voice (/motion capture?) work doesn’t count, I must regretfully retract my previous assertion that Andy Serkis has two minifigs (Gollum; The Witch King). I was thinking that the minifig in Battle at the Black Gate set was the Witch King, but it is actually the Mouth of Sauron.

    3 – Alfred Molina – Doctor Octopus; Satipo; Sheik Amar
    3 – Warwick Davis – Professor Flitwick; Griphook/goblin banker; Wicket
    2 – Johnny Depp – Captain Jack Sparrow; Tonto
    2 – Harrison Ford – Han Solo; Indiana Jones
    2 – Orlando Bloom – Legolas; Will Turner
    2 – Christopher Lee – Count Dooku; Saruman
    2 – Helena Bonham Carter – Bellatrix Lestrange; Red Harrington
    2 – Cate Blanchett – Galadriel; Irina Spalko
    2 – Gary Oldman – Commissioner Gordon; Sirius Black
    2 – Lee Pace – Thranduil the Elvenking, Ronan the Accuser (GotG)
    2 – Ben Kingsley – The Mandarin (Iron Man); Nizam (Prince of Persia)
    2 – Chris Pratt – Emmet$; Starlord
    2 – Liam Neeson – Bad Cop$; Qui-Gon Jinn
    2 – John Ratzenberger – Hamm (Toy Story)$; Mack (Cars)$
    2* – Keira Knightley – Elizabeth Swann; Amidala Double#
    2* – Mark Hamill – Luke Skywalker; The Joker$%

    * – unclear if minifig relates specifically to actor’s portrayal of character
    # – unclear if minifig counts, as character was a body double
    $ – unclear if voice work counts, as minifigs aren’t technically the likeness of the actor (but that would subtract one from Chris Pratt for Emmet just as it would subtract from Ratzenberger
    % – unclear if minifig from certain sets relates specifically to Hamill’s portrayal

    Matt Redfield

    2 – Samuel L. Jackson – Mace Windu; Nick Fury. (possible Jurassic Park Ray Arnold at some point…?)

    Benjamin C Good

    He wasn’t on there all that time? We’re so lame.

    Matt Redfield

    Indeed, we fail at being modern day pop culture consumers / nerds.

    And in case anyone’s wondering, Nick Fury was originally white in the comics, so the minifig version is definitely Samuel L.

    Benjamin C Good

    Yes but is he still white in the comics, or did they change him there once the movie came out? Don’t they still make them? So he could just be post-‘Avengers’ comics Nick Fury.

    Matt Redfield

    Yea, I believe he’s now black in the comics, too. But that was all because of Samuel L. So… I still say it counts.

    BTW, weren’t there a bunch more posts on this thread between 8/17-9/2?


    I must regretfully retract my previous assertion that Andy Serkis has two minifigs (Gollum; The Witch King)

    I will disagree, Andy Serkis played Gollum in motion capture.
    He also mocap king kong and i think there is lego studio set with king kong.

    Also does the minifigs count ?
    Because johnny depp’s got a whole set !

    How about Robert doney jr as Tony Stark and Iron man ? They both got a separate minifigure.

    I would also add Bill Nighy: Davy Jones (PoC) & Rufus Scrimgeour (HP)

    Matt Redfield

    I will disagree, Andy Serkis played Gollum in motion capture.
    He also mocap king kong and i think there is lego studio set with king kong.

    I was retracting my statement based on the Witch King, not Gollum – at the time, the set with the Witch King (79015) was not released. I was thinking of the Battle at the Black Gate set, which actually contains the Mouth of Sauron (not the Witch King.) As for LEGO Studio, I don’t see a set with King Kong. Even if there were one, some (@timf) would argue that it’s not specifically tied to Serkis’ performance, and some (Tim again) would argue that motion capture doesn’t count at all. I personally think mocap should count, and thus, now that the Witch King really is a minifig, I say Serkis gets credit for two.

    Also does the minifigs count ?

    Those aren’t LEGO, so no, that doesn’t count. We don’t mess with knockoff brands. The Ambassador has spoken. 😛

    How about Robert doney jr as Tony Stark and Iron man ? They both got a separate minifigure.

    Same character. If we gave credit for every version of a minifig that was the same character, we’d have to award Martin Freeman about 7 since there are so many Bilbo Bagginses, and Daniel Radcliffe & co. a bunch each, since Harry, Ron, Hermione, etc. are in a bunch of sets.

    I would also add Bill Nighy: Davy Jones (PoC) & Rufus Scrimgeour (HP)

    Bricklink does not turn up a Rufus Scrimgeour minifig – are you aware of one? If so, what set included it?

    Hope this doesn’t come across in a mean way – not how it was intended. I’m just reinforcing the standards set in our previous discussions. If anyone wants to back Bertrand up on the suggestion that Tony Stark/Iron Man should count as two, or any of the other suggestions, please do – we’re a democracy here, after all!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Matt Redfield.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Matt Redfield.
    Benjamin C Good

    Yeah I was gonna say everything that Matt did but I didn’t have the time to type it up. Also I would’ve formatted my post correctly.

    Matt Redfield

    Also I would’ve formatted my post correctly.

    What do you mean by that?

    Benjamin C Good

    Isn’t the part with ‘Ambassador Matt has spoken’ new material? It’s showing up here as part of the previous quote.

    Matt Redfield

    Aw, dang. I always forget that if the end of the section you’re quoting is a hyperlink, the “[/quote]” bit gets mistakenly rolled into the link. Added a space now to fix it.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Matt Redfield.

    For some reason, this topic came up during First Night. I think @paulamalu mentioned that she was not aware of this thread. Seeing how the last post prior to this one was almost a year ago, I’m bumping this just to see if there have been any additions to the List.

    Matt Redfield

    Well, Chris Pratt has Owen Raptor-Whisperer now… so depending on whether you think he gets credit for Emmet, he may be right up there with Davis and Molina… what say ye?


    I was not aware of this thread either, subscribing now…


    Chris Pratt has Owen Raptor-Whisperer now… so depending on whether you think he gets credit for Emmet, he may be right up there with Davis and Molina… what say ye?

    I would give him credit for 3 IMO I say voice acting counts.

    Also, did they ever make a Jane Foster (Thor) fig? Cause if so Natalie Portman would have credit for her and Padme.

    Matt Redfield

    Also, did they ever make a Jane Foster (Thor) fig? Cause if so Natalie Portman would have credit for her and Padme.

    Here, LMGTFY.

    But seriously, that’s an interesting one. There’s definitely no ABS version to be found on Bricklink, but she does appear virtually in the LEGO Marvel Superheroes game: I think the scope of this thread involves brick-and-mortar minifigs only, but that could be a side note…

    I would give him credit for 3 IMO I say voice acting counts.

    Another vote against @timf and his exclusionary policies! But Laura, how do you feel about motion capture? #freeAndySerkis!


    the scope of this thread involves brick-and-mortar minifigs only

    Just as it involves flesh-and-blood portrayals by the actors. HA! Nothing like having the opposition make your point for you. 😀


    But Laura, how do you feel about motion capture? #freeAndySerkis!

    Andy Serkis’s saliva can be seen on screen coming from the CG Gollum’s mouth. He ran around in the dirt to not only voice, but capture the spirit of the character. He deserves the credit.

    Matt Redfield

    Just as it involves flesh-and-blood portrayals by the actors. HA! Nothing like having the opposition make your point for you.

    Apples and oranges. A real person’s acting performance, whether physical, vocal, or both, immortalized in real ABS; versus an acting performance being “honored” by being shot off into the ethereal world of 1s and 0s. I don’t see why you can’t understand this, Tim!

    BTW, if we could ever agree on this point, Sean Astin should get credit for both Samwise Gamgee and… whichever Ninja Turtle he plays in the rebooted cartoon. Huh… it’s Raph. For some reason, I was picturing him as Michaelangelo.


    Agree on Andy Serkis – “NASTY CHIPS”.

    Matt, it’s too much fun arguing about it to stop. :-p

    Matt Redfield

    Indubitably. Else we’d have ceased long ago.


    This is fantastic! Thanks @timf!

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