Ambassador Committee | Are You Interested?

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  • #63088
    Marcella Spear

    Hello All!

    I have official started as our LEGO LAN ambassador. I’ve taken the reigns from @knb112 and have started filing our reports on the LAN. As we know, no one can be as super human as our previous leader, and to that end, I would like to craft a committee of people to help with the tasks and duties of the Ambassador.

    If you are interested in helping in some capacity, let me know below.

    More info to come. I look forward to 2025 and our relationship with the LAN.


    I’d love to lend a hand if and when needed!

    Hello All!

    I have official started as our LEGO LAN ambassador. I’ve taken the reigns from @knb112 and have started filing our reports on the LAN. As we know, no one can be as super human as our previous leader, and to that end, I would like to craft a committee of people to help with the tasks and duties of the Ambassador.

    If you are interested in helping in some capacity, let me know below.

    More info to come. I look forward to 2025 and our relationship with the LAN.

    Nancy Flury Carlson

    Marcella, congratulations on your new assignment. I’m happy to help out when needed.

    Marcella Spear

    Fantastic! Thank you both. Let me know what you are interested in and we can create a mighty team!

    Are either you on Discord, I was thinking of having a channel created for us there.

    Nancy Flury Carlson

    I like doing spreadsheets and I like doing tedious things like sorting through details (similar to sorting through LEGO bricks). I was a technical librarian in my work life so I have some information research skills and related organization/cataloging skills. The thing I hate to do is call people on the telephone. I doubt that calling people on the telephone is going to be coming up in the LAN ambassador world.

    I am not on Discord but I have been meaning to look into it and learn what to do – so yes, I’m interested in that. I just need to learn.

    Benjamin C Good

    I know I’m late in replying here, but I can join the Committee if you think it’ll help.

    Marcella Spear

    Thanks Ben. I welcome any help you would like to give.

    @Nancy – we got names added to the event tab – would that help.

    Marcella Spear

    @bengood921 would you be interested in making sure any LAN opportunities from the forum are posted to Discord?

    – could you create a LAN channel in the Discord for this purpose?

    Thanks both!


    @watchwmarcella is this open to everyone to see or just a select few? and do you want a voice channel as well or just a text channel?

    Marcella Spear

    Open to everyone.
    No voice channel for now.

    Thanks so much!

    Benjamin C Good

    Sorry, I’m not the right person for that.

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