Brickfilm: Just Another Cliffhanger

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    Dan Efran

    I decided it was time for me to do some LEGO stop-motion animation. Enjoy!


    I lol’d at “Catcall”. 😀

    Well done, Dan!

    Benjamin C Good

    I el-oh-el’ed at “That took me a month”. Very impressive and well done; I enjoyed it.

    I’m eagerly awaiting the next installment. Are there pics of your studio setup somewhere?

    Dan Efran

    Glad you were entertained! The next scene will probably be a car chase, but don’t hold your breath; it will likely be literally years before I get to it. I have some other possible brickfilms in mind, so you might see something else first…but it still might be a long way off.

    No pictures of the setup, sorry; it was very simple — mostly just the two “sets” and a few lights, and a big piece of blue paper for the sky. The real trick was the camera: my iPhone, mounted on a custom LEGO camera dolly, acting as the remote controlled camera for a stop-motion animation app on my iPad. The dolly let me move and turn the camera in small measured increments and the two-devices approach meant I didn’t have to touch the camera when capturing frames. Maybe I’ll post pictures of the dolly at some point, but it’s not pretty.

    I lol’d at “Catcall”.

    I had to work in a “gadget” somehow. Whistle commands for a car seemed very plausible to me, and what else would Q call that feature in Bond’s car?

    Tom Frost

    Wow, very impressive, @erunaamo, very polished. Nice midi/music skills too!

    Greg Schubert

    Awesome work! I like how much this fits the Bond movie genre, especially the feminine silhouettes with the fiery background.


    Really cool Dan!

    Nancy Flury Carlson

    That was excellent!


    I’m waiting for that space brickfilm now @erunaamo!

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