Buying Letters and Number Tiles: a Recommendation

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  • #38131
    Rich Millich


    I just dropped another $46 on yet another Business Card Holder set (set 850425) on BrickLink. This set contains the full set of black 1×1 tiles with silver alphanumeric printing. This is *still* an excellent buy, as the price hasn’t moved all that much from its $40 norm from the past year or so. It sure is nice to get two full alphabets (only one of Y and Z) plus extras, all at once. This also spares you from having to hunt for the tiles individually to spell custom things.

    This lettering has proven very strong for me for brick built signage and to title my displays.

    There are six of the Business Card Holder set left on sale worldwide, at $50. Sounds steep, I know, but the utility you’ll get out of this lettering is superb.

    A single ‘E’ will run you $3.70 right now. One 1×1 tile. The letter ‘O’ is even worse at $6.75 minimum. I see one ‘S’ at $3.50, and it rises from there.

    By the way, do NOT buy its inferior Key Chain Name Kit (851627). This set contains similar 1×1 black tiles with silver alphabetic printing, but the tiles from this set are inferior. I use the inferior lettering on things like cargo containers. The printing is smaller, and is not centered nor consistent on either axis on the tiles. All numeric tiles are from the superior set, and are always the better printing.

    Individual tiles in BL stores are often a mix of the two sets. Be advised if you’re buying individual letters. Also note that vowels and lower digit numbers are more rare and stupidly expensive.

    Just buy the set.

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