Can you glue LEGO together?

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    Hey everyone! I may be interested in gluing LEGO pieces together, but according to LEGO customer service, they “don’t think it’s a good idea to use any type of glue” because it “can make [the bricks] change shape”. If it’s best not to glue the bricks, I won’t do it, but I just thought I’d ask if anyone has had luck gluing them together without any issues.


    Greg Schubert

    The main issue with gluing bricks together is that they don’t come apart.

    But yeah, the entire Pitt logo was glued together by LUG members in Project Panther.

    Project Panther

    Actually I think the “glue” was a chemical that slightly melts the plastic together.

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    glue is a 4 letter word.

    MethylEthylKetone (MEK) or acetone(fingernail polish) are solvents, that bond the bricks together.

    The purist does not dabble with permanence though.

    Benjamin C Good

    I’m curious as to what your motivation is here for gluing. I’m having trouble thinking of scenarios where it would be necessary, or even beneficial.

    Will McDine

    @joshhall cover your eyes (or eyes) for this one,

    I have glued pieces together in the past but they were strictly detail oriented and nothing else. In my experience though any kind of glue can cause pieces to break become brittle, or to just not look good on a finished model of any kind. I few years ago I found some crafting grade sticky putty (similar to the stuff they use to stick cards on paper in the mail) and that worked incredibly well. I had no pieces break, it left a clean look to it, and if the part came off in transport it stuck back on with no issue.


    Thanks for all the responses. I’m the type of person who follows the rules lol so it was a strange thought to consider gluing LEGO together. I was interested in having some bricks glued for the school’s LEGO club, but it’s probably best to just to make sure they are fully stuck together (which I do all the time anyway). Thanks again!

    Bob Grier

    Another “cover your eyes/ears Josh” comment. I just recently donated a LEGO model of the Peregrine Lunar Lander that I built to be displayed at the Moonshot Museum and elected to glue certain pieces together both for structural stability and to make sure that parts (like radar dishes and rover wheels) don’t disappear from curious little hands!! After doing some research online I chose to use Gorilla glue, which is a cyanoacrylate glue. It bonded well and at least so far hasn’t discolored or deformed any pieces.

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by Bob Grier.
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