cost of a case of bricks

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    Greg Schubert

    My parents are in Florida and they asked me if I wanted anything from the LEGO store, so I ordered a case of bricks for them to bring back to PA. The price was $100 for a case at the downtown Disney store. The last I knew, cases cost $70. I just called the Beachwood store in Cleveland, they gave me the same price. YIKES! I guess its back to filling cups.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Greg Schubert.

    That’s a huge price increase. It was only $70 per K2 case last year. When I was in San Diego in February, I got a K2 for $75 and was told that the price had just recently gone up that $5. I once counted a case of 2x4s and it contained 624 bricks which is $0.112 per brick. At $75 per case, that would be $0.12 per brick. At $100 per case, it is $0.16 per brick. So that is basically a $0.5 increase per 2×4 brick.

    However, searching for US sellers on Bricklink with at least 624 2×4 red bricks (common color) for sale, there are only two sellers and the prices are $0.27 and $0.36 per brick. Same with Blue – 2 sellers in the US, one at $0.24 and the other at $0.31. And these prices do not include the shipping costs that would go on top of the brick price. So at least for 2×4 bricks in k@ quantity, a $100 K2 case is still a much better deal (at approx. $.08-$.10 per brick) than Bricklink.

    But I am still not happy at this 33% price increase. 🙁

    Greg Schubert

    I received a VIP survey from the company about my recent LEGO buying experience. I told them that I did not appreciate the 42% increase in price.

    In another thread about AFOL days, I stated that large cups are cheaper on AFOL days, but now large cups are ALWAYS cheaper than cases. A case has no more than six cups worth of parts.

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