Cranberry Maker Faire – Aug 14

Home Forums LUG discussions Cranberry Maker Faire – Aug 14

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  • #40022
    Greg Schubert

    That’s a big time commitment, I will probably have to make a run to Chik-Fil-A in the middle. 🙂

    Bob Grier

    I can be there the whole time as well. As far as MOC’s go, I can bring the same (3) kinetic builds that I’m bringing to the Science Center the week before (Eagle, Hedwig, Unicorn). They’re small (like 1/2 baseplate each) and can be rotated on and off the table just to change things up during the day.

    Krista K

    That’s a big time commitment, I will probably have to make a run to Chik-Fil-A in the middle.

    Oh, That sounds gooooood!

    I can be there the whole time as well. As far as MOC’s go, I can bring the same (3) kinetic builds that I’m bringing to the Science Center the week before (Eagle, Hedwig, Unicorn). They’re small (like 1/2 baseplate each) and can be rotated on and off the table just to change things up during the day.

    Awesome idea to rotate the display. I’ll also throw a few things in the car, just in case we need them.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Krista K.

    I will probably have to make a run to Chik-Fil-A in the middle.

    Chick-fil-a is 2.5 miles away (down on Route 228). :-p

    Yes, I am planning on being there the entire time. With just four of us there, we can do lunch in shifts.

    Krista K

    With just four of us there, we can do lunch in shifts.

    Sounds good to me. I think there’s a lot on 19 around Rochester.

    Tim Brown

    There’s a lot of restaurants on 19 south of 228 and on 228 east of 79. Closest fast food to the library is Dairy Queen north on 19 and KFC just inside the north entrance of Walmart. Would have loved to stop by and see what you all come up with, but I’ll be out of town that weekend. Maybe next time.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Tim Brown.
    Krista K

    I just got an update from the Maker Faire:

    Should the weather not support an outdoor venue we will be setting up inside the municipal building. Masks will be required inside the building and will be provided.

    The Friends of the Library will be selling hot dogs and drinks at the faire, coupons will be provided for you and your support team for lunch

    Score! Free lunch!

    Again, they’re asking load in by 8:30 am, but if anyone is feeling ambitious (or just an early riser) doors open at 7 am. There’s a Dunkin on Rt 19 on the left side if you’re heading north, about 2 or 3 lights before Rochester.

    I’m planning on being there around 8:15-8:30 am. Please let me know if you’re planning on arriving after 8:30 am. My cell number is in my profile.

    See you Saturday!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Krista K.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Krista K.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Krista K.

    Yes, there are lots of food options in Cranberry. I plan to be there right around 8:30 am. I received last week the last parts needed to build the Twin Towers and this weekend I completed the base and the two roofs:

    Microscale WTC - Base
    Microscale WTC - Roofs

    I’m looking forward to seeing how the final design looks IRL.

    Benjamin C Good

    I am gonna plan on swinging by on Saturday just to see what’s going on and what everybody brought and say hi. I do not plan to stay that long or to staff.


    I am gonna plan on swinging by on Saturday just to see what’s going on

    Nice. Looking forward to seeing you there!

    Greg Schubert

    This is planned for the parking lot behind the library – is that correct? Do you suppose we will be able to pull up to a spot and unload our vehicle or should we expect to have to transport our display items a significant distance?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Greg Schubert.
    Bob Grier

    If this event ends up being outside, do we need an easy-up for some shade and weather protection? If so, I can bring my 10 x 10, as long as that’s not too big for the space they’re giving us. When I was at the Library last Friday to pick up some display pieces, there was a Farmers Market going on, and they were set up in the parking lot in front of the building, with all the parking being behind. Lots of easy-ups at that event.

    I was planning on getting there around 8:30 am as well, but if we need to set up the easy-up I can get there earlier. @knb112, are you bringing the LUG sign? If so, I picked up a couple of pipe fittings when I was at Home Depot earlier this week that might help us put the frame together so we can stand it in front of our table. I’ll also bring a roll of duct tape if those don’t work.

    Krista K

    I went back through the emails and the “manual” to find some answers. I’m not quite sure when they’re going to make the call to do an all indoor setup, but I haven’t heard anything yet.

    If we are outdoors, we will be located in the front parking lot of the Cranberry Township
    Municipal Center. Each “booth” is the size of a parking spot. @greg since they are requesting everyone set up by 8:30 am (“doors” don’t open until 9 am), I’m assuming that they’re allowing unloading, but I’ll confirm.

    Good call on the canopy! I just found in the manual that they suggest “bringing a small tent or umbrella.” I also have a 10 x 10 one I could bring. Worst case, I can leave it in the car if we don’t need both. I’ll bring the sign and the pieces. Thanks for picking up some additional parts! I also picked up a roll of black duct tape to fix that cracked bin and can bring that as well.

    Krista K

    I got a little geeky and looked up parking spot sizes for Cranberry (A parking space shall have minimum rectangular dimensions of not less than nine feet in width and 18 feet in length) and so it looks like we may be able to to fit 2 tents so I’ll bring mine too.


    The weather forecast for tomorrow shows a 50%+ chance of rain from midnight tonight until 7:00 am tomorrow morning. 44% chance at 7:00 am. 34% chance at 8:00 am (66 degrees temp). 24% chance at 9:00 am (68 degrees). 24% chance at 10:00 am (71 degrees). And basically 10%+ chance 11:00 am thru the remainder of the day. High temp will be 77 degrees by 2:00 pm but will be nice and cool in the morning.

    So who knows exactly what they will decide. Good idea in bringing the two pop-up canopies.

    Benjamin C Good

    Despite the thunderstorms the last two days, and the fact that they’re calling for more this evening and overnight, the forecast for tomorrow starting at 8am is partly cloudy and very little chance of rain. So you guys should be in good shape doing things outside.

    I plan to go to AFOL Days before I swing by, but hopefully I’ll out and about early enough that I’ll still have time to swing by and check things out.

    Benjamin C Good

    Sorry, I hadn’t read Tim’s post before I made my post, for some reason my email was not updating when new messages came in, so my post is redundant.

    Greg Schubert

    … and chairs? Do we need to bring chairs? Can we assume that tables will be are provided?

    Krista K

    I just got off the phone with Rob and he shared that we can drive up to unload/load. However, he did recommend that doing that as early as possible because as we get closer to 9 am it’ll be harder to drive through the space. There should be a registration table when you get there. He said just to check in (I believe he said the gentleman’s name is Chris Yeager) and let them know that you want to unload in the space first.

    He also gave me the impression that they’re going to make the call in the morning regarding staying outside or moving inside.

    I did request 4 chairs so we should all have one and table is provided.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Krista K.
    Bob Grier

    Link below for some pics from this event! Relatively light attendance (maybe 150 ish?), but the weather cooperated with milder temps and no rain. Once the sun came out, the easy-ups proved to be a good move to provide some much need shade in the afternoon.

    got his World Trade Center built with lots of help from his son, and from the group of kids shown. I got help from @knb112 and her son in getting some videos of the kinetic builds. We did get a couple of gusts of wind in the afternoon that took out Krista’s Penguin Logo and the QR code a couple of times. One of Renee’s chicks was a casualty of one of those and hit the pavement! We did emergency reconstructive surgery and got her back together for the most part, but as with everything LEGO there were “a few parts left over”!!

    Krista K

    Those wind gusts definitely were a surprise, but it was a nice event. I anticipate that next year it’ll probably be bigger.

    Here are some photos that I took as well:

    Greg Schubert

    If they scheduled Maker Faire when the church next door was having it’s summer festival, then the attendance would be through the roof!

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