Cranberry Township First Night 2024

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    I have received and accepted an invitation from Cranberry Township to participate in its First Night event on Friday, November 22, 2024, from 6:00-8:00 pm. We will be in the New Council Chambers and have approximately the same available space (size-wise) as we have had in the past.

    First Night is the kickoff to the Christmas season and is supposed to be the first night that Santa appears. This is an easy event for us (although we normally have 1000+ people attend) and is themed for Christmas, although we have broad latitude for display options – anything Christmas/Winter related works.

    I will create a signup event shortly. Thank you.

    Edit: The event has been created here –

    Tim Brown

    I’ll participate in some way shape and form. May mean I have someone else set up stuff for me and then I’ll join later on to staff/tear down.

    Benjamin C Good

    I might show up just to hang out.

    Bob Grier

    Subbed and signed up! As Tim said this is an easy event and would be a good one for any new members who want to “dip their toe in the display waters”!!

    Note to @timf, we now have the LUG stanchions that we should use instead of having to “string the lights” like we have in the past!


    Coop and I are in!


    we now have the LUG stanchions that we should use instead of having to “string the lights” like we have in the past!

    @rcgrier3406 or we string the lights on the stanchions for extra holiday festivity! 😀

    Be sure to sign up on the Events page (I see that Bob already did).

    Krista K

    Signed up and subbed

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