Darth Vader Minifig or Helmet

Home Forums LUG discussions BUY / SELL / TRADE! Darth Vader Minifig or Helmet

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  • #54129
    John S

    Any of our Star Wars peeps have a Darth Vader Minifig or at least helmet they would be willing to sell?

    Not sure how often he shows up in sets or if an extra Vader is even a thing lol.

    Jim Rolfe

    Does it matter which Vader? There are different figs and helmets.

    Benjamin C Good

    When do you need it by? I can bring one to Q3. It will be an older one, I’ve bought little Star Wars over the last eight years.

    John S

    I’m in no rush. That would be great. Let me know what you want for it.

    John S

    Sorry missed Jim’s comment. Any style. Bare minimum requirement is when people look they’ll say “hey. Darth Vader”. Lol

    Benjamin C Good

    >> I’m in no rush. That would be great. Let me know what you want for it.

    I want approximately 1000 lime 2×2 round plates, which I’ve already received. In fact, a Vader head is worth significantly less than 1000 plates, so you’ll still have credit remaining.

    You might want to send me a private message through the website a day or two before the meeting, so I don’t forget.

    John S

    Thanks Ben. Do you have a full Minifig or just the helmet?

    Need any more of those plates? I might have some left.

    Benjamin C Good

    I was just going to bring the head, since it sounded like that’s all you want, but if need the whole thing, I can bring him. I haven’t actually dug him out yet, but I know I have several Darth Vaders from back in the day, and I know about where they’re at, and almost all my minifigs are stored assembled as they came in the set. If you don’t want the body, I can convert it into some other Pretend Space character, but if you want the whole thing, it’s not a problem.

    If you have more of those plates you want to get rid of, I can certainly take them. Ultimately I will need slightly more of them than I have magenta flower parts, and I seem to remember when I counted them all out last summer, the result was ever-so-slightly less. If not, no worries.

    John S

    I’ll take whatever you find before the meeting haha. He’s going into my winter town display so he might just end up in a holiday sweater when all said and done. Was going to base final decision on what he looks like in the scene either way.

    John S

    @bengood921 I finally got to Josh’s house to pick up tonight. Thank you so much! Very much appreciated.

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