Fire brigade, market street, and Grand Emporium for sale

Home Forums LUG discussions BUY / SELL / TRADE! Fire brigade, market street, and Grand Emporium for sale

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  • #23360

    I have a friend looking to get rid of his modulars. I listed them on bricklink. He said if anyone is willing to take all 3, he’d take off $50. They were assembled, but he’s verified all the parts are there.

    Fire Brigade – $310 (last 6 months avg sale on bricklink is $315)
    Market Street – $550 (last 6 months avg sale on bricklink is $556)
    Grand Emporium – $240 (last 6 months avg sale on bricklink is $240)

    So, no shipping, offered by someone you know (your own definition of trust and reputation), and you get to help out my friend who could use the cash.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Josh.
    Greg Schubert

    I’m not in the market for new modulars, but just to clarify – $1050 for all three, already assembled? with boxes and instructions in good condition?

    IMHO average price might seem fair to a seller but is not a selling point for a buyer unless you are only comparing sales in the US because costs in other countries are often much higher. On the other hand, having no shipping cost is definitely a bonus.

    This person seems like a good candidate for the LUG.

    Will McDine

    Spent all of my Allowance this month, but those are really great prices.


    This person seems like a good candidate for the LUG.

    What makes you say that? The fact that he’s getting rid of his LEGO and doesn’t take the effort to do it himself?

    Greg Schubert

    My suggestion stems from the assumption that the person was interested enough in LEGO to buy big buildings in the first place. “Occam’s razor is a problem-solving principle … states that among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.” – wikipedia Of course, maybe he stole the modulars and needs other people to sell them for him so he doesn’t get caught. In which case, he is not a good candidate for the LUG.


    I’m familiar with Occam’s razor. It’s useful in the medical field and sometimes expressed in an analogy – “When you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras.”

    Upon implementation, I would think the simplest deduction would be that he no longer has use/desire for LEGO. Then we don’t have to get into speculation on me associating with criminals.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Josh.
    Greg Schubert

    the simplest deduction would be that he no longer has use/desire for LEGO



    lulz. I wasn’t even looking for this, just stumbled on it.

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    Greg Schubert

    Someone I know also wanted their LEGO sets sold, but the week before I listed these, I saw her buy the London Bus at Tysons … all of which flies in the face of Occam’s razor, doesn’t it?

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