free twin bed mattresses?

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  • #6451
    Greg Schubert

    We recently sold our bunk beds, but the buyer turned down the two twin bed mattresses without even seeing them. They look as new as when we bought them. So, we have two twin mattresses to donate if anyone who wants them or any organization that can use them. Photos of the mattresses are on craigslist.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Greg Schubert.

    They look as new as when we bought them.

    which was when? 🙂

    Greg Schubert

    Greg Schubert wrote:
    They look as new as when we bought them.

    which was when?

    First of all, we would still be using the mattresses if I had not purchased a queen-sized mattress and box spring to replace them. Secondly, despite recent commercials that claim that a mattress has to be replaced after 8 years, I am not ashamed to say that the mattress that I sleep on is probably 25 years old.

    But the answer to your question is that I do not know. We bought the bunk bed used and we’ve had it for fourteen years. The This End Up company became a chain in 1988 so the upper limit is 30+ years. But kids can sleep in a sleeping bag on a carpeted floor and get a good night sleep … and in some places they sleep on a thin mat on a dirt floor.

    How is that for a “sales” pitch?

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