Glow-in-the-Dark White 1×1 Plate

Home Forums LUG discussions BUY / SELL / TRADE! Glow-in-the-Dark White 1×1 Plate

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  • #3490

    Those of you who drafted the Murkwood (sp?) Spiders set may have a few of these. I’m using them on pilings for my space build and would LOVE to trade for a few.

    Matt Redfield

    Murkwood (sp?) Spiders

    Mirkwood, Dan. With an “i”. GOSH.

    I probably have some; might have to check, which is no small feat, considering the state of my LEGO collection right now…

    …you do mean the round ones, right?

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by Matt Redfield.
    Greg Schubert

    I bought a bunch of the round 1×1 glow-in-the-dark round plates once from someone who lives near LEGOLAND, CA. How many do you need?


    I do mean the round ones! I need 6 to finish the pilings I have under construction. I wouldn’t be opposed to getting a few extra.

    Greg: I still have two PaB cups for you!


    Might I be able to meet with one of you to swap for these sometime soon (perhaps the 26th)?

    Greg Schubert

    Yes, I am hoping to make it to the meeting on the 26th.


    Excellent! Do you prefer any particular brick in trade?

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