Hand Cart for the LUG

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  • #59769
    Jonathan Wagner

    Hey all!

    So we had bought a hand truck (see attached) last week from Mac.Bid. It’s black and gold and was really cheap (40 bucks). It holds 660 pounds and is very easy to move.

    So yesterday we ended up getting another hand cart of the same brand and size that is blue and white. We don’t need two of course but felt like trying for a different one (also around 40 bucks) and if we were successful, we would offer the black and gold one to the LUG for their use. It’s up to yinz of course but it’s brand new and you don’t have to actually search for/look for one to get now. Folds up and easy to carry.

    let me know if that works for the LUG or not. We don’t mind just donating it and the funds being used for something else for the LUG.

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    sounds great. Thank you for thinking about the LUG! It’ll just take some culture for people to remember it’s available to them.

    Krista K

    That’s really awesome! Thank you both.😊

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