Hi, I’m Michael

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  • #61782

    New AFOL. I’m learning how to make bird MOCs. I live out in Centre County. Is there anyone else out here I can interact with? Also, I only have some LEGO bricks from when I was growing up. I will need to beef up my available brick. I’m thinking a combo of PAB wall and LUGBULK (looks like I just missed the boat on that). Once I have some birds, I’d love to display them.

    Gabe Vistica

    Welcome Michael!

    Bird MOCs sounds awesome! I’m hoping to eventually do some flowers, the botanical sets are SO COOL. Are you aware of Bricklink and similar sites as well for buying bricks? They’re often (but not always!!) cheaper than PAB Online, even when factoring in shipping costs.


    Yeah, I’m not too impressed with bricklink prices. I’m thinking I might try for pick a brick cups. (is it boxes now?)

    Krista K

    Welcome to the group Michael. I lived in Centre County for a brief time in college.

    Yes, the PAB wall is now using boxes. We’ve tested it out and it fills the same, if not a tiny bit more in the boxes.

    Do you come down to the Pittsburgh area often? If so, we have some really great events coming up that you may want to display or just hang out with us at.


    Can I get a discord invite link?

    Jonathan Wagner

    Welcome Michael!

    If you are looking for just a mass amount of bricks for decent pricing, check out FB Marketplace and watch in your area for people getting rid of bulk Lego. Price varies bit average is usually 8-10 bucks a pound so if you can get several pounds for less (depends on piece type/size, etc) then you can pick up lots of pieces for a good deal.

    Just be aware, a lot of times those have other bricks, like Megablocks and others, mixed in or other types of toys just thrown together so you may have to do some sorting but it’s a great way to get your brick count up to start with if you aren’t worried about specific sets.

    Gabe Vistica

    Can I get a discord invite link?

    The Discord link is in the righthand sidebar, just below the topic lists.

    Matt Redfield

    Welcome! Do you bird-watch as well, or just find them an interesting subject for your builds?

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