Industrial Background Modules

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    Started as a joke idea but then it struck me to find out if I can have a cooling tower and other infrastructure on MILS modules. It’s not as nice as Nancy’s amazing cooling tower but I may end up using this MILS project as background art for my digital nuclear train renders, after I sculpturally refine this brick build tower. Also want to do a MILS styled Steel Mill background art for my industrial trains too. LOL

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    Come to think it it, might try slope pieces on sideways construction to get the curve and the strength.

    Greg Schubert

    For what it’s worth, here is a photo of a LEGO cooling tower, (and containment building breach,) I took at Brickfest 2005 on the George Mason campus in Fairfax VA.

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    Thanks, that’s really helpful in picturing the vertical loft sections needed to capture the conical curve shape in brick form. Fortunately, I have built my studio model as sub components so I can make a change to a quarter section or smaller and it’ll update the whole thing as I try to get that parabolic curve improved. XD

    I’m sure @willmcdine has his Lego hazmat team on the ready for a Class 7 containment breach. 🙂


    Found some time to tinker on that MILS idea for a nuclear power plant for rendering as a backdrop to my nuclear themed trains. Now it’s not just a cooling tower but a reactor and turbine building. Here’s the four MILS modules with my 1954 Lead Lined Diesel and a yet unbuilt KUA waste transport for scale.

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    I should a ocean inlet module while I’m at it as some stations shed heat in those waters. I grew up in Florida and as it turned out, the manatees used the ocean inlets to stay warm during the winter and after decades of doing so, it’s part of their survival instinct to go to those particular inlets.

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