LUG Convention Tokens

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    Will McDine

    While at Brickfair @knb112 and I discussed the idea of creating a LUG based token to distribute at conventions. For those unaware of what tokens are, they are a small little item (often a small build or sticker) that someone leaves behind at a MOC they like. See the article I posted (that ironically features @tfdesigns rover tokens). We originally discussed maybe a small bridge build using a few different arch pieces, or even a printed tile with our logo on it, or a small sticker. Anyone have any thoughts on it or want to help with the design? We can discuss this at the meeting, but I would really like to get something set up and in place before Brick Erie next month if possible

    Marcella Spear

    Had my first experience with tokens at Brick Rodeo. It’s a wonderful thing. My only question is why LUG based? It’s a great idea, but I like making my own tokens and was considering having them for our own shows because we have some amazing builders as well.
    So my only question is why a LUG specific one? Would a sticker not work better for something like that?

    Will McDine

    My only question is why LUG based?

    Good question and I apologize for not clarifying in my original post. They were brought up during the LAN ambassador meeting (I truthfully don’t remember if it was something we were supposed to be talking about or just side bar conversation) but Krista and I both thought it would be cool to have something LUG based. Colonial LUG has stickers of their logo, one of the guys from Brick Rodeo had his own custom stickers and what not, It is just something cool that we thought the LUG could benefit from.

    , but I like making my own tokens and was considering having them for our own shows because we have some amazing builders as well.

    Please, by all means do this still. This is not meant to take the place of any personal tokens. This is mostly meant for people who have never done tokens, doesn’t have time to make their own, or simply someone who made their own and left them behind on accident.

    Would a sticker not work better for something like that?

    A sticker could absolutely do the trick if we decide that is what we want to do. We just wanted to start a conversation about something that we thought the LUG would find appealing. As far as what the token is (brick build, sticker, anything else) is 100% not set in stone and up for any feedback


    How about having a few hundred 2×2 (or 4×2) tiles printed with our Logo? Not sure of the cost but someplace like would be a good place to start (they do the custom tie printing for BrickFair).


    That page says “minimum order charge $1000”.

    Will McDine

    How about having a few hundred 2×2 (or 4×2) tiles printed with our Logo?

    That page says “minimum order charge $1000”.

    That is the only issue with custom printing. Often times it can be expensive and there is no middle ground with bulk custom printing. I wouldn’t be opposed to this though. We custom print a lot of tiles for our own use or to use as tokens. They would be nice to just throw into a few displays.


    I personally think these are a bad idea because those “tokens” I call them personal trophies where an idivual like what I have built and displayed these are supposed to be anonymous. I know for those who have shown at Brickfair or Convention do sometimes get them. Putting the Lug logo and setting them next to a build could be seen as advertising or that person is part of the Lug that really is not another issue I can see is if “that person got one why didn’t I and my build is better” type situation. That is these are better to be given anonymously. Another situation is who gets to decide who would get one or not, is there going to be pictures taken and posted so we as group get to vote. Or is it who just went to display. I feel that this would be unfair to those who are a part of the Lug that did not attend and would like a say in that.
    With these I do believe anonymity is better and should be done individually because everyone might have a difference of opinion on someone else’s build.

    Will McDine

    Kyle, You bring up several valid points here. That said, I think we have some differing points of view on this.

    these are supposed to be anonymous.

    I agree they are traditionally anonymous, but this is not always the case. ColonialLUG was using stickers of their logo with LUG name on it as tokens. They were left anonymously, and if multiple people from the same LUG are putting these tokens down, that anonymity still does exist

    . Putting the Lug logo and setting them next to a build could be seen as advertising or that person is part of the Lug that really is not

    This is a valid point, and I think there is a certain aspect of that. I also think that point of view is very opinionated. I know several times while at brickfair I saw some personal tokens that had social media handles that I checked out strictly out of curiosity, But I would also argue that would be a good thing. Get more people exposed to our LUG and just who we are. As far as mistaking that person for a LUG member, While I agree that might happen in some fashion, at the end of the day if that person isn’t displaying with us, or have a Steel City LUG brick Badge, we know they indeed are not a Steel City LUG member. It is also worth noting that other much larger LUGs and social media platforms (beyond the Brick for example) also pass out small sticker tokens for their favorite builds, and it is simply their logo and name.

    “that person got one why didn’t I and my build is better” type situation.

    I personally don’t see this being an issue. Maybe its just because our LUG rules of “play well” and “no comparison” are so present in my mind. Nor have I ever seen (or heard of) anyone confront someone else demanding to know why they didn’t receive a token.

    Another situation is who gets to decide who would get one or not, is there going to be pictures taken and posted so we as group get to vote.

    No. This is a token for any Steel City LUG member do leave behind at a build they personally like. Not a group effort. This is something the group would be providing to the membership to pass along and show gratitude toward another builder. Who gets one would strictly be left up to the LUG member(s) at the specific convention who choose to pass some out.

    With these I do believe anonymity is better and should be done individually because everyone might have a difference of opinion on someone else’s build.

    2 things I want to discuss/stress here. 1.) this does not take the place of any individual Tokens. Please if you want to do your own I encourage you to. This is strictly for LUG members who want to pass something out and spread joy, but maybe Don’t have time to design one or simply forgot theirs at home. 2.) the differing in opinions on someone’s build shouldn’t matter. Tokens are not designed for that. We all have opinions on what builds are awesome (i.e. You would clearly find Rocket builds more interesting than I would, And I would find Fire Trucks more interesting) But we cant have convention awards for every single MOC. That is where these come in. Its just something small that at the end of the day shows someone liked your build.

    Again, at the end of the day the decision on whether or not to do this is strictly up to the LUG to decide. Several other LUGs do it by now as well as other individuals. I was thinking maybe getting our name out there as a group who helps spread positivity and Joy at conventions might be a good thing for us is all.

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