(f/k/a Brick Engraver) has 3 brick badges for $7. Bricks are 1×8 in any of the standard colors. We could do:
First Brick = Name
Second Brick = Steel City LUG
Third Brick = Pittsburgh, PA
The bricks could be either Black with Yellow engraved letters or Yellow with Black engraved letters and we could alternate them. If we order this week, we should be able to receive them by KidFest. Thoughts?
I’d probably have the top and bottom brick black, middle brick yellow. Just feel like it’d look better that way than Y/B/Y. But yea, definitely use yellow text on the black and vice versa.
I already have several name badges in various colors as well as custom Bricks for my site and one from Fernando at TechincBRICKS.. I’ll still kick you over the money for a new one.. e-mail or P.M. me you paypal address…
I am also working on custom Micro Fiber shirts for the Kidsfest show that are a combination between Steel City LUG and my own…