Marvel minifigs series 2 trade/sell

Home Forums LUG discussions BUY / SELL / TRADE! Marvel minifigs series 2 trade/sell

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  • #54596

    I have many repeats of all of the entire series. The only one im missing is mrs hawkeye ( the one with the dog) willing to trade for it. As far as my other repeats. Willing to sell at cost($5). That way you know what you are getting. Located in mccandless
    Edit: i have complete set. I have extras for sale. Agatha, moon knight, mr knight, werewolf, she-hulk, goliath, storm, wolverine

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by jbaldwin27.

    if you have a she hulk i’ll take it, just need her to finish my set.

    Logan C

    If you have one, I’ll need a Wolverine assuming I get the rest of the partial series from Jim. Although McCandless is a little hard for me to get to (I don’t have a car). Maybe we would be able to meet at AFOL day or another LUG event.


    Yep havw she hulk and wolverine


    I will trade you for your Goliath for Kate bishop (the one with the dog )

    Logan C

    Figured I’d revive this thread since now I somehow ended up with a few extras myself. I’m looking to sell Echo, She-Hulk, Hawkeye, and Kate Bishop (new but opened box for verification) at retail price. Let me know if interested!

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