Never been to Frank’s, so I wasn’t going to be able to guess that.
We send out a monthly newsletter, but the quickest way to get information is to use the site – we’ll post threads to plan (what to build, logistics, etc.) for upcoming events like Philly Brick Fest, and people will drop a note if they want to have a sorting party or get together and build. Pretty informal, but most of the discussion and planning happens right here.
You sound like you have some fun interests – limited resources is always a good time. I’m hoping to do something involving repeated elements / shapes for the Westmoreland Museum gallery this summer…
PS – word of warning, *some* AFOLs (not us, of course – we’re nice) will tear you apart if you say “Legos”… not considered a proper term. LEGO Bricks, or just bricks, probably won’t get you in trouble.