New Mosaic Generator

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    Jim Rolfe

    Check out Brickset….they have a link to a new mosaic tool. I tried it briefly and it seems to work great. You can do 2D and 3D and it gives part lists. You can also change colors and such.

    I’d like to hear from more experienced mosaic makers and hear what you think!

    App is called BrickPix in the app stores and it is free!

    Benjamin C Good

    Did Krista read this one yet? @knb112 In class this past fall she did a run-down of all the options currently out there, and ran the same image through all of them – I think six or eight – so we could see how they looked and discuss the pros and cons of each one. So she’d definitely be qualified to evaluate anything new. I’m not a mosaic guy.

    Krista K

    @bengood921 Thanks for reminding me! I did download it and played with a briefly. I want to give it a full test though, but I didn’t have the picture I need on my phone. I did see that it does have limitations in terms of size (32, 48, 64, 96 studs?) by the same dimensions. I thought I had read that you were able to edit the colors after you generate the mosaic (maybe I misread), but it seems more like you can select what colors you’d like to use prior to generating anything. I will say that it worked better with a picture I took with my phone, than a logo or other created image.

    All in all, it has potential, but I think it needs a little refinement.

    Personally, I’ve been dying to try out the GameBoy camera method. There’s a way to import pictures to your computer and then I’d either keep it greyscale or colorize myself. Just got to find some time and dig out the old GameBoy. 🙂

    Krista K

    I came across a different app today called 8bit photo lab (on Android). It’s more of a camera that uses different filters and coloring (like old consoles), but it also has a brick feature on the paid app (it’s only like $3). It’s not super intuitive, but fun. I really like that you can change the resolution easily. I’ll try to upload something from both soon.

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