Nov. 9-10. Greenberg Toy and Train Show

Home Forums LUG discussions Nov. 9-10. Greenberg Toy and Train Show

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    Matt Redfield

    this is my fault

    Yep, pretty much.

    Gregory Schubert wrote:
    Is anyone onboard with the idea of making a full scale mockup (at least with baseplates and track) of the Greenberg display on Saturday?

    Is ANYONE else planning to bring components to Josh’s house on Saturday for the purpose of planning/building the November 9th Greenberg display?

    Yes, I’m onboard.

    G.O.B.’s not on board. (with apologies to any non-Arrested Development fans… but seriously, why would anyone not love Arrested Development? But I digress…)

    I’m going to bring what I have, which is basically nothing built, but some ideas and some brick. I also agree we should lay out as much of a mockup as possible. As Josh said, iz biznass time.

    Benjamin C Good

    In today’s post I consolidate replies to many different previous messages in one post:

    – I never answered Matt’s question re: does MILS and PennLUG’s train standard work together? The answer is yes, they’re both designed for a 32×32 baseplate, I would suspect they had the former in mind when they designed the latter.

    – I am familiar with brick-built roads, I’ve seen a lot of different ones over the years and some are definitely better than others. Nobody’d mentioned a standard for building them, so I just came up with one on my own. It’s only 8-wide, because I used the rest of the space for other things, so it’s more of a lane or a side-street than a road. It’s definitely one-way (unless you live in certain parts of Pittsburgh with narrow alleys, in which case it’s one of those ‘I hope I get to the end before anybody comes the other way’ roads). The other problem, though, was that a brick-built road would definitely be higher than the existing sidewalk, unless the road was dropped lower than the top MILS plate, which introduces all kinds of other problems. I didn’t want to boost my PC up another whole ‘nother brick in height cause I didn’t think anybody else would do that. And I’m not super worried about my curb matching up either, I only mentioned in case somebody wanted to deliberately match it.

    – I am totally on board with doing a test set up at Josh’s house, I’d been meaning to bring it up but I lost the thread where it had been mentoned and then Greg beat me to it. Has a start time been established? I would need Josh’s address, I seem to remember at some point he sent out the list of contact info but I am not sure what I did with it. I would assume then that Josh has the necessary floor space at his place for set up. I don’t know if he has the necessary tables, I’m prepared to do it on the floor despite my old decrepit body.

    – Somebody (Tim maybe?) had mentioned getting to the convention hall early – 3:00ish or so – in order to do as much preparation as possible off to the side before they let us set up the tables at 5. If it helps, I can also plan on showing up at that time (and may anyway in order to avoid traffic).

    – I’ve gotten a lot of work done on my 6 baseplates of layout, and they were specifically designed and fit together to conform to Evan’s plan. I have a double row of train track that’s baseplated and MILSed and I’ve done landscaping and put structures around the tracks based on that plan, so de-plating and de-MILSing is not an option at this point.

    I think that’s all I got for now. I have some more building to do before Saturday but I’m psyched.


    I’m up for it, I’ll bring as much as I can fit in my car.


    Sounds good to me, I’ll bring what I have… I look forward to meeting everyone Saturday!


    Address is 824 greenhaven drive, 15102. Cell is 412 519 4762.

    I said “after lunch”. Which I assume to mean around 1. Welcome to show up earlier to get sorting done, but I can’t dedicate time until the baby sitter shows up at 1.

    I said in another thread, feel free to bring some drinks or snacks. Lug will cover dinner. Do prepare your minds to controlled chaos, because we are definitely under some coordination tension here. Patience and understanding for everyone.

    I’m looking forward to it. I’ve heard back from a couple new faces, so that’s great. Plenty of floor space for a test layout of both tables as well as building and sorting areas. I’ll have a plan in place for the day.


    - Somebody (Tim maybe?) had mentioned getting to the convention hall early – 3:00ish or so – in order to do as much preparation as possible off to the side before they let us set up the tables at 5. If it helps, I can also plan on showing up at that time (and may anyway in order to avoid traffic).

    – I’ve gotten a lot of work done on my 6 baseplates of layout, and they were specifically designed and fit together to conform to Evan’s plan. I have a double row of train track that’s baseplated and MILSed and I’ve done landscaping and put structures around the tracks based on that plan, so de-plating and de-MILSing is not an option at this point.

    Yes, I am planning on showing up by 3:00 pm on Friday, November 8. We can start getting tables set up, spreading tableclothes, etc. (BTW, has anyone been tasked yet with purchasing white tableclothes? I would recommend buying Queen size flat sheets at Target or Wal-Mart – cheaper than actual tableclothes and provide more coverage).

    Don’t “un-MILS” your track. We can work with it; it is not very difficult to switch between MILS track and non-MILS track. 🙂

    Benjamin C Good

    Hi Josh, I saw your post over on the Winter Display board about getting in and out of the display, where of course it would also be an important consideration, but for the record you are crossing your threads (which I’ve noticed is really easy to do, I am subscribed to a whole bunch of discussions now), I actually asked about it here, where it has not been addressed.

    Has anybody asked the Greenberg people if they’re providing tableclothes? Obviously it would still be practical for the LUG to have its own tablecloth/sheet supply for recurring use. But tableclothes look nice, and since it’s their show, Greenberg has an interest in making sure things look good, so they may have a supply of tableclothes to go with the tables that we could use at least for this event. I would think it would at least be worth the effort of asking.

    OK, I will bring what I have on Saturday. Combining MILS with the PennLUG standard, the track is exactly two bricks above the table, plus the baseplate which is neglible. So it could be connected to free-standing track by simply propping it all up with two layers of bricks. I do know from sorting in August that the LUG has a giant container of bricks, so that shouldn’t be a problem (I know I’m just one vote on how those bricks get used, but to my mind that kind of use is exactly why the LUG has that supply, and esp in this case it would be temporary).


    Hi Josh, I saw your post over on the Winter Display board about getting in and out of the display, where of course it would also be an important consideration, but for the record you are crossing your threads (which I’ve noticed is really easy to do, I am subscribed to a whole bunch of discussions now), I actually asked about it here, where it has not been addressed.

    so, anyone have a problem with having an opening? the impact would be a shorter track that doesn’t encompass the full table. I’ll draft a bluebrick layout in a bit.

    Has anybody asked the Greenberg people if they’re providing tableclothes? Obviously it would still be practical for the LUG to have its own tablecloth/sheet supply for recurring use. But tableclothes look nice, and since it’s their show, Greenberg has an interest in making sure things look good, so they may have a supply of tableclothes to go with the tables that we could use at least for this event. I would think it would at least be worth the effort of asking.

    no skirts, table coverings, or stanchions. It’s on the check list to discuss saturday. I know evan had volunteered already.

    I do know from sorting in August that the LUG has a giant container of bricks, so that shouldn’t be a problem (I know I’m just one vote on how those bricks get used, but to my mind that kind of use is exactly why the LUG has that supply, and esp in this case it would be temporary).

    precisely. any parts in the lug supply are free game for the display, with a preference to the unsorted, so as not to undo any work/time we’ve already invested.

    Matt Redfield

    for the record you are crossing your threads

    It started as one thread for a winter/Christmas display, then became two (because of the Greenberg event and the PA Trolley Museum opportunity), then became three or four (separating planning & logistics from build discussions), and now it’s even more (Santa’s workshop / winter village vs. the town portion of the train display…)

    They’re spawning. Like rabbits.

    And there’s nothing we can do about it.


    so, anyone have a problem with having an opening? the impact would be a shorter track that doesn’t encompass the full table. I’ll draft a bluebrick layout in a bit.

    scratch this idea. we need it to be connected. otherwise, the section behind santa’s castle is a wasteland. We’ll work out it more saturday. here’s what I got to get us started. Dan/Rich – I’ll need your help filling in the second table, which is now really a space table. Evan and Dan E – SHIPs?

    I’m sure I’ve missed stuff, and we’ll shuffle things around saturday. Don’t think because it’s not on here that you don’t get to display it. I tried to read through to see what people said they were committing to. I’ll get final inventory and dimensions of everything saturday. This is just a starting point.

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    Benjamin C Good

    At the August meeting when we were sorting the boxes of pieces from Lego (or “Hinklebricks”, as I like to call them now) I briefly mentioned to Josh that I have tons of plastic trays for sorting that I can donate to the LUG. I am planning on bringing a bunch tomorrow, about 50 or so (plus a bunch of those little cardboard peanut holders that I stole took from Five Guys. I’m considering it a gift to the LUG (you’re welcome) but it’s also one more thing for Josh to store, so I’m not sure if he wants me to actually leave them there or not. But I’m bringing them.

    Benjamin C Good

    I suspect that a lot of the “coordination tension” is my fault, so I’d like to apologize. I was trying to be diplomatic and non-confrontational, but I think instead I came off as somewhat passive aggressive, which was definitely not my intention (also, I was worried I was going to sound like I was becoming “that guy” in the group who is always Complainy McComplainenstein about everything). Admittedly Tim’s sudden change in plans threw me for a bit of loop, despite the fact that I knew way back in August that our first attempt at this might be a little rough around the edges. But based on subsequent posts it sounds like everybody’s on board for finding good ways to sort everything out, so no worries. I’m still psyched for tomorrow.

    It does raise the issue, though, for future planning, about clear communication on what is decided. Obviously we aren’t going to magically come up with the final plan right away so the issue is finding a way to establish, when people are making suggestions, when something is an idea somebody just threw out there, when it’s a rough draft, and when something is definitely nailed down, otherwise we are going to keep running into the same problems over and over.

    Still psyched for tomorrow! Despite getting lots done, I didn’t get as far as I’d like in my building, although apparently this is a typical state of affairs for the average Lego builder.


    No worries Ben. Event planning and coordination is always interesting. The more displays we do as a group, the better coordinated we will become.


    Just a reminder, this event is NEXT WEEKEND.

    I put up the doodle to make sure we have coverage. I limited each option to 4 participants only to encourage people to spread out coverage, if there is flexibility. I’d expect everyone who is able to show up for tear down sunday, or make arrangements for their stuff.

    There will not be much to do Friday before 5, UNLESS we get the green light to set up early. Always nice to have extra hands to get things in order too. Obviously, the biggest part of set up with be getting all the table coverings and then buildings on, but there are a lot of details like cars, minifig placement, and other easter eggs that we have not even discussed yet. I know a few people mentioned having cars, and I’ll make sure the LUG container of figs is at disposal, but that could certainly be something many people are setting up concurrently.

    I’ll get the blue brick finalized this coming week. I’ll get a check list of items we need, like table coverings, as well as a list of what everyone is contributing.

    If anyone has time and baseplates, we’re still short a bunch of greener 32s for the town layout’s track.


    I won’t be there for setup but I will help with cleanup. Anyone available to take my stuff w them on Friday?

    Matt Redfield

    Just a reminder, this event is NEXT WEEKEND.

    Semantics clarification: when Josh says “NEXT WEEKEND”, he means the one AFTER “this weekend”. So, “this weekend” is Nov. 1-3, and “NEXT WEEKEND” is Nov. 8-10. Just the way I like it.

    DOODLE: I didn’t put myself down for Sat. or Sun. morning shift, but I can probably swing at least Saturday if others can’t cover the morning. Figured I’d leave it looking as open as possible for now at least, to encourage others to jump on those shifts so I don’t have to.

    Anyone available to take my stuff w them on Friday?

    I’m planning to take next Friday off to do stuff around the house / get to the convention center early to set up. I’ll likely be moving a mountain, but I can probably fit your stuff in my car, as well… can we arrange for it to be at my house before Friday the 8th?


    The loading dock and drive-in ramp are on the north side of the building; as you approach the main entrance of the convention center (easily seen from Mall Boulevard or from William Penn Highway westbound), it’s around the corner on the right side of the building.
    And yes, we’ll be providing chairs.


    Combining MILS with the PennLUG standard, the track is exactly two bricks above the table, plus the baseplate which is neglible. So it could be connected to free-standing track by simply propping it all up with two layers of bricks. I do know from sorting in August that the LUG has a giant container of bricks, so that shouldn’t be a problem (I know I’m just one vote on how those bricks get used, but to my mind that kind of use is exactly why the LUG has that supply, and esp in this case it would be temporary).

    so, here’s a long term problem i just realized. we’re not compatible with other lugs if we stick with this method. Pennlug does the mils standard and incorporates that track standard, not one on top of the other. That is how they have roads with track in them. saves a lot of brick/plate that way too.


    Those look fairly similar to my brick built road. Josh, since I build the roads on their side, the road ends up being 13 bricks high/wide if it is a two lane road – each lane is six bricks wide with an additional brick of height/width for the center lines. If you go to double lanes, the road becomes 29 bricks high/wide – inner lanes are 6 wide, the outer lanes are 7 wide, and there are three road marking bricks (center lane, and the lane dividing lanes). This picture shows a three lane road: I will have to inventory my available road stock but if you guys could build a few sections (32 studs long) this weekend from the LUG supply, that certainly would not hurt.

    you mean 13 studs, right? Ben’s “alley” is 8 studs wide around the palace cinema.

    did you take an inventory? I’m trying to figure out how to 1) brick the non-mils’ed modulars up to height easily (setting them on the sideways brick build road) 2) fitting the track in front and behind, and 3) fitting a road in front.


    Just a reminder, this event is NEXT WEEKEND.

    I put up the doodle to make sure we have coverage. I limited each option to 4 participants only to encourage people to spread out coverage, if there is flexibility. I’d expect everyone who is able to show up for tear down sunday, or make arrangements for their stuff.

    The Doodle does not have anyone yet for Saturday morning (I coach flag football on Saturday mornings so that is the one time slot that I am NOT available to be at the show). Otherwise, I will be there the remainder of the time.


    you mean 13 studs, right? Ben’s “alley” is 8 studs wide around the palace cinema.

    did you take an inventory? I’m trying to figure out how to 1) brick the non-mils’ed modulars up to height easily (setting them on the sideways brick build road) 2) fitting the track in front and behind, and 3) fitting a road in front.

    Since the road lays on its side, I referenced the “height” of the road – “height” means “width”. Not sure how many studs that would translate into. I am still searching for all my road (it’s in multiple locations and not all of it together). I’ll let you know as soon as I find it all.

    One other thing – I think we should do the roads as only two lanes (one lane each direction). That will save on brick and on space for buildings (which sounds like it is getting filled up fast, which is awesome).

    Benjamin C Good

    Warning: excessively long post ahead:

    1) So Josh should I de-MILS my track after all? I can if we really need to, but the sooner I know the better so I can adjust my landscaping, bridge supports, etc.

    2) I wouldn’t let the width of my alley influence how wide you make your roads. When we set up in Josh’s basement, he & I briefly had a discussion about ways to connect the alley to a main road, and came up with something we thought would work, I’ll post a sketch later tonight so you can see what we had in mind. That would be a longer-term plan though, after more stuff has been built and things are rearranged, cause as far as I can tell from the way things were set up at Josh’s house, my alley isn’t gonna connect to anything this time around anyway.

    3) I’m still gonna show up early for setup Friday just in case. I’ll be there for teardown Sunday. I can not be there Saturday. I am not a morning person, so I signed up for Sunday afternoon. My friend Susie (who Greg, Tim, & Evan all met at Brickfair) will probably come with me, she’s been to four Brickfairs so she knows how particular Lego people are about their stuff, and she has a low tolerance for snotty little kids who have bad parents that didn’t teach them not to touch stuff that isn’t theirs, so she might help me man the display if there’s room. (She might also contribute an extra 2nd floor to my palace cineman, and actually she might be able to contribute an extra 2nd floor to Joe’s fire brigade too, if we decide we want that, I’ll ask her.)

    4) I’m not sure what the final result was on having enough track. I took Tim’s advice and marked the bottoms of all my track pieces (except the 8 currently built into my display, which presumably we can remember are mine), I used the white labels I got from Josh and labelled them all with a B and a number (so I know how many of each type of piece I have) and, if that wasn’t obsessive enough, they’re also all labelled with a turquoise dot. So they’re packed up and ready to go, so I can bring them along if it’s decided we need them. I have 37 straight track, 85 curved, 5 switching, and 4 cross.

    5) For those of you not familiar, the cross track is this piece:

    (and is not the same as the RC cross track). Now that I’ve seen lots of train displays, it’s easy to see why nobody uses the cross track – the width and shape of the displays make using it not particularly practical. Also, having independent trains on independent tracks is a formula for big crashes (I’ve done it), so the only other option is a track crossing itself. However, if anybody comes up with a cool idea for using them in a future layout, I’ve got four of them.

    OK, I’m done. I’ll make the next post shorter.

    Greg Schubert

    … the cross track … if anybody comes up with a cool idea for using them

    In the polar express movie, the train goes around the tree at the north pole:

    You can make a 270 degree turn / teardrop-shaped loop with the “cross track” at the point of the teardrop.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Greg Schubert.
    Greg Schubert

    The Doodle does not have anyone yet for Saturday morning

    I signed up for Saturday morning, partly because I think I might have to make a second trip out to transport everything I planned to bring or to bring things I forgot.

    Greg Schubert

    And yes, we’ll be providing chairs.

    … which means bring your own chair? or someone among the collective we will be providing them?

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