October – Halloween

Home Forums MOCs Build challenges! October – Halloween

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    We decided we’d like to keep content coming on our social media through monthly build inspirations from members – October will be Halloween themed. Try to get your build in by the 20th to make sure its relevant to the month and gives time to post it to social media and for people to see it!

    Jim Rolfe
    Krista K
    Krista K

    Thanks @tcsbgdady! This is really awesome. ?

    Jim Rolfe

    Fall SPACE! Build. Ben said I had to build something cool with the LUG Bulk when he dropped it off. 🙂 I did try!

    First time doing some rock work. Needed to try it out too to prep for a SW build I have been wanting to do.



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Jim Rolfe.
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    Greg Schubert

    Does this look like a kid’s haul from Trick-or Treating in Billund? Actually what you see are the pieces that I started accumulating back in January with the intent of making a jack-o-lantern themed space station for a LUG event like Philly Bricks n’at. Rich will be interested to know that the color palette was going to be mainly orange, black, white and a tiny amount of light green. As with several projects, this is as far as I’ve gotten and it is my humble contribution to the October gallery.

    (curse you, hybrid learning)

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    Matt Redfield

    (curse you, hybrid learning)

    oh, no

    Greg Schubert

    Happy Halloween!

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    Matt Redfield
    Greg Schubert

    Here is a vignette of Ben delivering the LUGbulk order to my house.

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    Matt Redfield

    Neat! Now post a pic of your actual house so we can see how accurately you represented the shutters, porch roof/pillars, and vegetation!

    Tom Frost

    Here is a vignette of Ben delivering the LUGbulk order to my house.

    I love that you made Ben a ninja. We were in the backyard, and I was specifically keeping an eye out for him, and still his delivery went undetected.

    Greg Schubert

    Now post a pic of your actual house

    There is a lot of poetic license here. (Today was the first time I put two LEGO parts together in about ten weeks.)

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    Matt Redfield

    I can see it, though. Nice!

    Bob Grier

    Part of our candy table tonight!! Tensegrity repurposed!!

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    Benjamin C Good

    >> Here is a vignette of Ben delivering the LUGbulk order to my house.

    Sweet! Second-best MOC ever!

    Unfortunately, this MOC is not historically accurate, I don’t even own a ninja outfit. I wore a LUG t-shirt and an N95 mask. At almost every house, I simply knocked quietly and then walked away, although my first six ‘no contact’ deliveries all resulted in me chatting with people outside. The streak was broken when Frost failed to hear me knocking.

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