Pittsburgh Dad

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    ah, that was my initial placement, but the hair covers up the top bar of the glasses…pretty signature. I’ll try to twist it to the side to see if that helps.

    Matt Redfield

    But the first face looks so OLD!

    I love the double bar glasses, but the rest of the face just doesn’t do it for me. The third face is where it’s at (except no double bar glasses…)


    ok, had lunch with the director, Chris, on Monday.

    Here’s what’s up:

    1. We’re doing this.
    2. Chris doesn’t want this to be a stressful thing or a time consuming thing for anyone
    3. He’s talking with Chris of Benstonium.com to do the animation of the mouth/eyes/eyebrows to save on stop motion needs
    4. Chris will send us a list of more popular jokes/bits and we will work to recreate those in short clips, so we’ll work to create those “sets” once he tells us
    5. He wasn’t too impressed with the selection of LEGO official heads. I’m talking to Tommy Armstrong (brickprinter) and Minifigs.me with possible solutions for custom heads. Chris said he has a little budget to work with for things like this
    6. We’re good to start building the intro houses/scene. We might need a few people to collaborate here, not just on the houses, but the street, yards, and maybe even the sky…we need to fill the full camera shot to pull it off. (chris mentioned he wasn’t happy with his attempt for this reason, so if we want to impress him, we need to put the effort in, maybe micro scale instead of minifig scale?)
    7. I was thinking about doing a time lapse against a green background of building a brick built “Pittsburgh Dad” lettering that could then be layered with video in the background
    8. Told him we have some winter shows we’re working on now, but we should be able to focus energy on this once November comes.
    9. There’s a LEGO app for stop motion videos. Anyone want to play around with that and see what they do for animating faces?
    10. Chris mentioned wanting a LEGO bust of Pittsburgh Dad…not sure what they’d use it for yet, but would come up with something…anyone want to take that on?
    Matt Redfield


    Benstonium?! He’s The Guy. Just featured on Comedy Central for his Antonio Brown / Karate Kid video.

    Benstonium + PGH Dad is a chance for some serious street cred, you guys. PGH Dad has almost 150K likes on Facebook, and Benstonium has 21k of his own. I’m excited, let’s blow them away!

    Definitely interested in chipping in with the build, possibly interested in checking out the stop motion, but no promises there just yet.

    Greg Schubert

    We’re good to start building the intro houses/scene. We might need a few people to collaborate here, not just on the houses, but the street, yards, and maybe even the sky…we need to fill the full camera shot to pull it off.

    Maybe we could use the mosaic from the Alpine Village as a backdrop / sky.

    If it is completed in time, the street from the Pittsburgh Dad could fill in gaps in the Greenberg display.

  • Chris mentioned wanting a LEGO bust of Pittsburgh Dad…not sure what they’d use it for yet, but would come up with something…anyone want to take that on?
  • Just found out about darth maul set 10018. http://cache.lego.com/bigdownloads/buildinginstructions/4170702.pdf with the instructions, this task would not be that hard to do, in my mind. use all tan, then dark tan for some beard, then make some glasses and random brown hair…


    these are coming our way via minifigs.me

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    Benjamin C Good

    Cheater. You don’t see me buying stuff like that.

    Sweet! Those are awesome. Did they happen to have something like that or did they custom make them for you?


    hahaha. nice.


    Matt Redfield

    Cheater. You don’t see me buying stuff like that.

    Epic lulz.

    Why no mouths on the top & bottom?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Matt Redfield.

    So Chris, from Benstonium.com, can animate the mouth and eye brows.

    Matt Redfield



    It’s from 2012, but still appropriate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdrD31SZ2kI

    More on-topic, is doing the opening scene in Lego still a possibility?

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