Q2 2025 Build Challenge?

Home Forums MOCs Build challenges! Q2 2025 Build Challenge?

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    Ken Soriano-Clark

    Is there a list of build challenges that we are choosing from for each quarter? Or do we have a build challenge already selected for Q2?

    Tim Brown

    It’s usually just comes down to someone suggesting something and a few others concurring with them. If we already have a next challenge, then the new idea gets pushed out to the next open meeting. i.e. there really isn’t any actual procedure per se. I am not sure, but I don’t think we had a challenge in place yet for Q2.


    This should probably got into the Threadjacking thread but one thing we (as a LUG) have gotten away from (and I am guilty of this as well) is people bringing their builds to the quarterly meetings (beyond the Build Challenge). One of the best things about being in the LUG is seeing all of the great creations that other members are working on and have created. That only seems to happen now at events and displays, which is awesome of course. But I love seeing Lego IRL so I am going to try to start bringing a MOC of some sort to each meeting and I encourage others to do the same. 🙂

    Ken Soriano-Clark

    I like this idea – but I’d love to see us use discord more. I’m a solo parent of 4 and live 45+mins away from Pittsburgh. Discord lets me engage more with the other members.

    Krista K

    @timf I like that idea of bringing whatever you’re building to meetings!

    Anyone has the ability to start a challenge here or on Discord. There is a set Build and Chill channel, but all you need to do is put it out there. 😊

    Here is a non-exhaustive list for some of the theme months out there too: https://bricknerd.com/home/every-lego-collab-standard-themed-month-and-recurring-contest-11-26-24

    I usually throw out themes that we can reuse the builds for upcoming shows. The general public loves a good Pittsburgh-themed build. With Ultimate Brick being in November, we could always do Pittsburgh Landmarks, but that may be too close to the habitats.

    Since the meeting will be around summer, we could also revisit the underwater build challenge using the standard that I think ColonialLUG did. (Yes, I’m channeling Cam) Everyone had to use a 10×10 Octagonal plate (https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=89523&name=Plate,%20Modified%2010%20x%2010%20Octagonal%20with%20Hole&category=%5BPlate,%20Modified%5D#T=C) as the base so they could be connected together into a big piece at the end. I know I have pictures somewhere. I’ll keep looking.

    Ken Soriano-Clark

    Yeah, the Build & Chill Channel is a voice channel. I’d love a category for Build Challenges with channels for Challenge Ideas, Current Challenges and Prior Challenges. (Each challenge could be entered as a thread in the Current Challenges channel and moved to the completed Challenge channel when done by the admin.)

    Who has to approve new channels on the discord?

    Krista K

    @kensc Kyle’s the Admin, you’ll want to connect with him on how to do that in a way that’s sustainable.

    Ken Soriano-Clark

    Yeah, he said channel changes on the discord had to be approved by the LUG leadership, but I don’t know what that process is.


    I nominate Ken as leader. 😀 @kyle2022 I like ambition that seeks to bring us all together.

    Tim Brown

    bringing us back to Q2, do we have any dates in mind yet? That might determine what we do for the challenge. As if it’s prior to Summer reading set ups, we might leverage it for that purpose.

    Ken Soriano-Clark

    @joshhall – I’ll gladly accept the nom as Chief-Build-Challenge-Tail-Puller haha

    But in all seriousness, I’d be happy to coordinate build challenges.

    Krista K

    @tbrown00 Great minds think alike. I think @watchwmarcella is looking into dates for Penn Hills for Q2.

    Tim Brown

    So I’m going to put this out there as a proposed challenge. Doesn’t have to be for Q2 but I think it would be cool to do a color pop challenge. The most famous example is probably the girl in the red coat from “Schindler’s List”. However, if you google “Color Pop Photography” you’ll see many examples of this technique in practice. The main gist of this is to create a mostly black&white/grayscale scene and then select something to focus on in that scene that will be in a very bold color. i.e. a Red Rose against a grayscale field of flowers. A butterfly picked out against a grayscale flower. The idea is to create a strong contrast between the subject and the rest of the scene. The main questions you’d be asking yourself (and probably detailing for the judge) is why did you pick the subject that you picked and why the color(s) that you picked for it.

    Another possible challenge would be to have a build that starts in black and white on one side/corner(doesn’t matter which) and then gradually pulls in colors as you move through the build until you get to the other side/corner which is full color. This effect would be more akin to the movie “Pleasantville” Where the show starts out in Grayscale and slowly gets ‘colored in’ as the movie progresses. The aim being an “explosion” of color in the build.

    Both of these are inspired by the color your world library theme. Neither will work for what we are probably going to be doing in Cranberry (Basically a case wide version of the 2nd challenge), but they might work for the other libraries especially those with less display space.

    Marcella Spear

    I am looking at dates in mid-late May at Penn Hills Library. They don’t charge us to use the space, but they won’t be able to give us prospective dates until next month.

    Love the build challenge idea – @timf


    For anyone else coming to this late: check out #build-challenges on Discord.

    Tim Brown

    Point of clarity. The build challenge thread on discord (I believe the aim is monthly on that) does not replace the quarterly build challenges for meetings as discussed here. It is in addition too. The key here is that at least half our active members don’t use discord. And those that do don’t necessarily do it regularly. These forums are the main source of information for the LUG with discord acting as a secondary resource for members should they choose to take advantage of it. That is what the LUG decided when Discord was set up (until/unless further LUG discussion changes that). So we do still need to lock in a challenge for Q2 on here whether it’s one of my suggestions above or another (possibly inspired by discord discussion).

    Ken Soriano-Clark

    Is there a forum plug-in that we should be using to post polls on the forum to include forum users in build challenge selections?


    Doesn’t have to be democratic entirely. Unless we’re blocking out ideas into a year, it’s really just a matter of someone having and idea and leading the judging/criteria in the spirit of getting people involved and challenged reasonably.

    Work for the people, not forcing people to work for themselves, essentially:)

    Ken Soriano-Clark

    Yeah – not trying to make it exclusively democratic, but definitely solicit/gauge interest for different challenges.

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