Q2 2025 Meeting – Location / Date

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  • #63418
    Marcella Spear

    GM everyone. As we start planning for Q2 – we are starting to look at dates, locations and a possible switch of day of the week.

    1. Do you want to keep meeting dates on Saturdays or possibly look at a Sunday.
    2. The Penn Hills Library is not open on Sundays – but they are open 10-5 on Saturdays. Would you prefer to have a morning meeting and be done by 12? Or start later – say 2 – 5?
    3. Do you have a different location suggestion? Let us know.
    4. In looking at dates – what works best for most – early, mid or late May?

    Let us know and we’ll get working on more details.

    Tim Brown

    My availability in May is iffy at this point regardless of whether it’s a Sat or Sun, so just going to roll with whatever gets picked and see if I can make it happen. @joshhall maybe we start talking about Q3 now so we can lock in a location/date early and folks can plan for it/the church as availability?


    maybe we start talking about Q3 now so we can lock in a location/date early and folks can plan for it/the church as availability?

    yep, already on it.

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