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    David H Donley

    Boston sucks! Find a new place! Boooo!


    Hannah you should take Lug Doug out to the cape while there.


    Not sure what was decided upon at Q4, but if possible I’d like to book lil LugDoug for March 2-March 12. I’m going to Boston, Connecticut, and NYC with some friends that week and I think I could get some great pics! Mainly because one of my friends lives literally 3 minutes from the LEGO Headquarters in Enfield soooo perhaps try to get a photo op there ? On a related note, is that where the infamous Kevin Hinkle works and any possibility of arranging a tour while in the area?

    that’s actually a thing. @philmatt24 should be able to email Paul and ask him if something can be arranged.

    As for LUGDoug, he’s with Pete now. You two can work out a swap or get creative with drops to me and others too.

    Tom Frost

    Happy Easter from LUG Doug

    Some of Doug’s other recent adventures

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    @bengood921 took LUGDoug, so he can go to some conventions. Matt will be next in line to take him to Denmark.

    Benjamin C Good

    For those not familiar, somehow the magnet inside LD’s left arm that holds his hand in place (but also allows it to turn to different positions) came unglued. I have been attempting to fix it since acquiring LUGDoug. So far it has been epic fail.

    My only success so far has been cleaning the cruddy old glue off the magnet. But I can’t get it glued back in, despite several attempts. The problem is getting the magnet aligned properly inside the arm. If I just drop it in, it invariable flips over or lands on its side. I’ve tried lots of glue-free practice attempts and I can’t do it. I got out tweezers to help drop it in but the magnet sticks to the tweezers, so that didn’t help. (If they make plastic tweezers, I don’t know where to get them.) I don’t know what else to try in that department.

    The other way is to put the magnet on the hand magnet, and the put the hand in place and push the arm magnet in that way. The risk is that if there’s lots of glue down there (and if there’s not enough, it just doesn’t stick), that the hand will get glued in place as well. Which is what almost happened tonight. After holding it in place for awhile, I tried pulling the hand out and it was stuck. Finally I yanked it and it came out, but of course the arm magnet came with it, and is in fact now glued to the hand magnet, so I’m gonna have to give that some serious solvent treatment just to get it off and get everything cleaned up for another attempt.

    But I’m not exactly sure what’s going to be involved in that attempt. I was really hoping to have this resolved soon cause I leave for Chicago Tuesday morning. I definitely don’t want to be the guy who ruins LUGDoug. But I also would prefer if his hand stays in place for this trip.

    So if anybody has any suggestions for what to do here, now’s the time to make them. Thanks.

    Benjamin C Good

    UPDATE – I got the arm magnet unglued from the hand magnet. So now it’s soaking in nail polish remover again so it’ll be clean for another attempt. I’ve already gone through nearly 79 cents worth of nail polish remover, which doesn’t sound like a lot until you consider that npr is literally the cheapest stuff on earth (I bet you didn’t know you can still go to Giant Eagle and find something for less than a dollar) and that 79-cent’s worth is way more than anybody should be using on a small project like this. If later on you guys find me curled up on the floor ranting and raving with LUGDoug’s head somehow glued to my butt, you won’t need to bother with a straitjacket, cause my fingers will already all be glued together.

    Benjamin C Good

    It’s still early, but since nobody’s yet responded to my pleas for help in fixing LUGDoug’s hand, I’m going to go ahead and suggest this as an alternate solution to the problem:

    Bob Grier

    Ben, don’t know about plastic tweezers, but how about small wooden tongs, like the kind you use in the kitchen to pull toast?? Depends on how big the tongs are and how tight the clearance is between the magnet and the arm socket. The other thing I use to reach pieces that fall in hard to reach places is to put some duct tape on the end of a piece of wood (like a paint stir stick). That at least would let you get and hold your magnet in place until the glue sets.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Bob Grier.
    Benjamin C Good

    Thanks, those are both good ideas. (Batman: 2509235, Bob: 2, Everyone else: 0). I have to go to the Evil Store of Evil (Walmart) later today, so I’ll see if there’s any good options in the kitchen section. Might be a long shot though, it’s a pretty tight fit inside the arm. If not, I’ll try the second one, a paint stick is probably too big, but I have a good supply of coffee stirring sticks courtesy of Sheetz, so I’ll see how it goes.


    Why not use 2part epoxy to fix Doug

    Benjamin C Good

    >> Why not use 2part epoxy to fix Doug

    Cause I don’t know what that is. What is it? I’ve been using Krazy Glue that I bought at Giant Eagle. HOLY CRAP I JUST REALIZED THAT I AM TOTALLY TRYING TO KRAGLE LUGDOUG!!!! I AM THE WORST PERSON EVER! I SHOULD BE BANNED FROM LEGOS FOR LIFE!

    I’ll look for 2part epoxy when I’m out shopping today, how is it different and/or better than using glue?


    Home Depot or Lowes will have it. Just ask someone in the hardware section.

    Matt Redfield



    Yeah, you’re definitely BANNED.

    how is it different and/or better than using glue?

    In this case, I’m not entirely sure I understand why Pete’s suggesting this… epoxy holds like a mofo, but I don’t see it as being easy to use inside a hollowed-out wooden arm…

    Benjamin C Good

    I have given up on fixing LUGDoug, I’m taking him to Chicago as-is, and the arm magnet is staying behind in Pittsburgh. I’ll write a longer post about it just for Pete later on. I’m sure he can be fixed, just by somebody who’s not me.

    Benjamin C Good

    I am in Chicago. I have not done a full setup yet, cause Tom’s not here yet, and he might end up moving me. But I unpacked my stuff, and LUGDoug has already generated one compliment from a passing stranger. We’ll see how long it takes for somebody to like his cowbell.

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    I am in Chicago. I have not done a full setup yet, cause Tom’s not here yet, and he might end up moving me. But I unpacked my stuff, and LUGDoug has already generated one compliment from a passing stranger. We’ll see how long it takes for somebody to like his cowbell.

    What we need is more cowbell.

    Matt Redfield

    “I put my pants on one leg at a time, just like everybody else. Except, once my pants are on, I win Stanley Cups.” ~ Sidney Crosby, probably

    Benjamin C Good

    So LUGDoug is way more popular than me or my GBC module. Somebody today asked me how long it took us to get him – apparently now that everybody knows about this place, they’re back-ordered for like the next 3 years and there’s a giant waiting list. So good thing we got ours when we did. Last night at the GBC table Tom and Jeremy gave him a thorough inspection and they were impressed with his construction.

    My module is all set up now and he looks good standing in front of it with his cowbell. I’ll get real pics eventually.

    Benjamin C Good

    >> I got this guy from RadSquirrel Woodworking

    I had that memorized incorrectly. I told literally everybody who asked that it was RedSquirrel Woodworking. Maybe they’ll still figure it out.

    I have some pics to post to Flickr. When I actually have them up, I’ll post the link here. Unfortunately I never got pics of him anywhere else other than with my display though, it was a busy week.

    LD continued to be popular right up to the end of the convention. Especially interested in him was Todd Webb, so I’m wondering if Tim wants to take a turn with him to bring him to BrickFair in August, I can think of several good pics we can get with him there, including the annual dinner at Otani’s, since the LUG will be paying for it anyway 😛 I can’t remember the dates for Matt’s trip to Denmark though, so I’m not sure if he’ll be available then.

    I am going to Frost’s house tomorrow (technically later today) to give him my build to take to the Trolley Museum, and when I do so, I’m gonna pass on LUGDoug so he can work his way back to Josh’s house. Doug has an additional problem now. As previously mentioned here, the magnet inside his left arm was already detached when I got him. My efforts to repair him were a big failure (I’ll still have to post about that sometime) and now that hand is a bit of a tight fit in the arm hole, so somebody might want to try cleaning that up as well. But additionally, the arm magnet on the other arm – Doug’s right – came out at BWC. It came out overnight, I showed up for public hours and I saw his hand was lying on the table, and when I tried to put it back in, I figured out what had happened. So when I send him back, both magnets will be in a sandwich bag so they don’t get lost.

    Benjamin C Good

    My album for BWC17 is posted. It is only seven pics, but LD is in four of them, and features prominently in one.

    BWC17 - 1

    Benjamin C Good

    Btw, I did take LUGDoug to Frost’s house today and leave him there, which means that he and his stupid arm magnets are now officially NMFP. (In this case, P stands for ‘Problem’ and N and M stand for ‘Not’ and ‘My’, respectively.) When I was showing him to Todd Webb, I mentioned how I had had a miserable and unsuccessful time trying to get the magnet glued back in, and although he didn’t come right out and say it, it was pretty clear that he thought doing so shouldn’t be that difficult and that I was a moron for not being able to do it. So hopefully somebody else can get them back in and actually get them to stay in.


    I did a poor job of updating the first post.

    Lugdoug is back from europe and needs a place to go for Thanksgiving. Anyone want to offer to host? He’s crashing at Duncan’s until Greenberg.

    Greg Schubert

    I will bring Doug to the January 6 meeting so the next Host/Hostess can take custody.

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