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    Greg Schubert

    This thread is for anything you want to write about. Today I was looking for the site which had the pick-a-brick wall inventories and I found this instead:

    which shows the inventory of the store I hope to visit in NY. The store inventory was last updated less than a month ago.

    Matt Redfield

    I’ve been to that store. It makes me angry.

    Greg Schubert

    It makes you angry that they have a store and we don’t. I know. But if we did have a store, the you would be homeless and surrounded by all the LEGO that you purchased. Its probably better this way.

    Anywho, I am thinking green hinge plates and green plates could be useful for making trees, (although they would be pathetic compared to trees Micah would make.)

    Matt Redfield

    But if we did have a store, the you would be homeless and surrounded by all the LEGO that you purchased. Its probably better this way.

    Not true. I have self control. Not much of it, to be sure, but enough to not be homeless – if I lost my brick-and-mortar house, I’d just build one out of LEGO! 😀

    But seriously, those metallic 1×1 round tiles, tho. And one could get several dozen cups full of dots for water, if one were not Greg, because Greg doesn’t make S.H.I.P.s.

    Greg Schubert

    Because many of the PaB walls carry the same stock, I am showing a photo of some of the parts that I found on the Pick-a-Brick wall in NY. There were 1x black cheese and 2x white cheese, also white 1×2 jumper/offset plates and the 1×1 round trans red is a tile, not a plate.
    I also got a bunch of the 2×2 white slopes that I often use for snowy roofs. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Greg Schubert.
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    Oh I woulda loved some of those 1×1 round trans red tiles and cheese!

    Greg Schubert

    Oh I woulda loved some of those 1×1 round trans red tiles and cheese!

    I got some and I don’t need them all, let me know what you are interested in. 🙂

    Greg Schubert

    Since I have a new train station, I’m thinking its about time to take this black and yellow train station apart.

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    Greg Schubert


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    Greg Schubert

    It happened… @JoshHall, after three long years, it finally happened!

    … but I am gritting my teeth each time I cover a $5 baseplate with assorted bricks and another $5 worth of white plates just to make a square foot of open space that could have easily cost almost zero with a white table cloth. For this next event, I am planning 4 tables. With 12 baseplates per table, (not including the track sections,) it would require five hundred bucks worth of parts just to make an arctic wasteland.

    Do you see MY point yet?

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    Greg Schubert

    Back in January I ordered snowballs. After I opened them, I discovered that they were actually street lamps.

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    Matt Redfield

    … but I am gritting my teeth each time I cover a $5 baseplate with assorted bricks and another $5 worth of white plates just to make a square foot of open space that could have easily cost almost zero with a white table cloth. For this next event, I am planning 4 tables. With 12 baseplates per table, (not including the track sections,) it would require five hundred bucks worth of parts just to make an arctic wasteland.

    Do you see MY point yet?

    Oh, totally. But that wasn’t what I meant at all. I meant the invitation to the stud dungeon lair of the elusive @greg!

    Greg Schubert

    I meant the invitation to the stud dungeon lair of the elusive @greg!

    Oh I get it, LEGO bricks have studs on them. Well it was safe to invite everyone knowing that you had other plans. 🙂

    Hey Josh, instant Friends display in South Park:

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    Back in January I ordered snowballs. After I opened them, I discovered that they were actually street lamps.

    Very cool streetlamps. Very Victorian era. I love them!

    Greg Schubert

    The more I think about this, the more I want a permanent location for my display. This looks like the correct structure to house it, now I need to work on getting it from Hong Kong to Gibsonia.

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    Greg Schubert

    I LEGO this sculpture. 🙂

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    Greg Schubert

    Wow it has been quiet on this week. Well, I have to admit I have not built anything since last Friday, but attempted part acquisition never stops. I noticed at WalMart yesterday that they had a full shelf of 580 piece Creative box #10695 for $30. I thought, “that’s going to be a Black Friday deal, I wonder how low the price will go if its currently about 5 cents per part.”

    Well guess what, that IS the Black Friday price!

    However, I did not get any 10695 sets at Wal*Mart, I sent my American dollars to ich bin ein bricklinker instead. Thanks for joining me on consider the following.

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    Matt Redfield

    I mean, for rainbow warriors or color enthusiasts like such as @zaximillian or myself, those boxes are actually not a bad deal – especially at that price. But I’m certainly not fighting the masses to get ’em… perhaps I will darken the door of that evil establishment before two weeks hence though if the price is already valid.

    Greg Schubert

    I listed the instructions for the big Christmas tree on rebrickable. I had never been to that site before. I usually go to

    Matt Redfield

    I usually go to

    Hey! That’s not a real website! You’re doing it wrong!

    Greg Schubert

    we should build a MOC of Church Brew Works!!!

    undoubtedly the royal “we”

    Matt Redfield

    undoubtedly the royal “we”


    Greg Schubert

    VIP day with double points is this coming Saturday, Nov 21. (For clarity sake, this is NOT the same as AFOL day at the LEGO stores.) What should I buy?


    Last Friday, I was at the Orlando Lego Store in Downtown Disney (apparently now called “Disney Springs”). I bought nothing as there was nothing notable on the Pick-a-Brick wall, but it was awesome to be there again. It had been 2010 since I was last there. They still had a few Tower Bridge sets (at $239 a pop).

    I would suggest the Parisian Café. Nice part selection and great colors.

    Greg Schubert

    What should I buy?

    Incidentally, double VIP points and a free set on a $100 order is like getting 30% off.

    I would suggest the Parisian Café.

    Modular buildings have been sound investments.

    A side note: I’ve had a hard time changing my Shop at Home “cart” in Chrome, but it works properly in Firefox.

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