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  • #22916
    Greg Schubert

    losing a bit of their clutch

    possibly explained by temporary expansion at higher temperatures – I had not thought of that

    Benjamin C Good

    I keep most of mine up in the attic and have done so for years and years. I have an attic fan. I haven’t had any problems.

    I consider the hot car a bigger problem, if they’re getting direct sunlight, they can warp, I’ve seen it happen to other people’s stuff. In the 80’s, I remember cassette tape cases permanently warping in my dad’s car (although they looked pretty neat, it was like some kind of modern sculpture).

    My stuff’s in the attic cause the room I want to use for storage in the basement is not currently climate-controlled. And unlike the attic, it is not dry, so mold will grow on stuff. I’ve read that the plastic storage containers we use are not air-tight, even the ones with locking handles, unless they’re labeled as such. And as I recall, air-tight storage containers are prohibitively expensive.

    Benjamin C Good

    Also, GNM* has something to say about Tim’s last post.

    *Grammar Nazi Matt

    Matt Redfield

    Also, GNM* has something to say about Tim’s last post.

    I’m trying to be more forgiving, and I’m definitely trying not to use Nazi as a punchline these days…

    But if you really must know, I can provide the requisite information.

    Greg Schubert

    I’m trying to be more forgiving

    I appreciate the grace, it will save time not having to proofread posts.


    But if you really must know, I can provide the requisite information.

    I’m guessing it’s related to the use of the word “Lego”, although there may be another error there. While I generally try to be correct, I don’t proof read posts like I do legal documents. :-p

    Matt Redfield

    I’m guessing it’s related to the use of the word “Lego”, although there may be another error there. While I generally try to be correct, I don’t proof read posts like I do legal documents. :-p

    I don’t want to pick on you, since you came to my aid on the Ambassador thread. But in the interest of clarification:

    A friend of mine in Richmond had a small house and stored all of his Lego (brick and MOCs) in his attic for years without any noticeable harm.

    – yes, LEGO should be all caps, but I was gonna let that slide because informality in the forums is no biggie.

    Richmond is know for it’s slightly warm summers

    – I really am trying to not say stuff every time someone slips up grammatically (or spiritually, or ecumenically… ***WARNING: End of this video is a troll, and very loud. But the beginning is the important part.***) And GN is an offensive and problematic term, according to the internet, and I’m trying to stop using it. Because Nazis are evil, but a love for grammatical accuracy is not. But Ben forced my hand here, so I must answer… Strong Bad knows the answer to the question! Scalawag! (translation: Richmond ‘possesses’ its winters, therefore, they’re “its” winters, not “it’s” winters.

    – also, you left off the “n” in “known”, but that’s just a typo.


    The Grammarist (see? WAY less problematic!)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Matt Redfield.
    Benjamin C Good

    Yeah I was wondering about that, I thought maybe by going with GNM, it would at least hide it. But technically, the word Nazi is still in there. So I’m gonna go with what Matt said, The Grammarist sounds like a good option.

    I was also considering posting Strong Bad’s grammar songs here on Tim, but I’ve already posted it twice on Josh and it clearly didn’t help, since Josh’s grammar has not improved, and it did not get me a trophy from Micah.

    Matt Redfield

    was also considering posting Strong Bad’s grammar songs here on Tim, but I’ve already posted it twice on Josh and it clearly didn’t help, since Josh’s grammar has not improved, and it did not get me a trophy from Micah.

    Let’s be honest… you were gone a long time. If I were you, I’d take my 2017 “Back From The Dead” award and be content.

    Now, if you want to try and win “The Grammarist” in 2018, you’ve plenty of time to post Strong Bad’s grammar songs between now and Steel City LUG’s 6th Birthday Bash…

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Matt Redfield.

    Strong Bad’s grammar songs

    I prefer Weird Al’s Word Crimes – as musical guidance on matters of the Queen’s English. 😛

    Matt Redfield

    I prefer Weird Al’s Word Crimes

    Part of me says “can’t we like both Strong Bad and Weird Al?” (I know I do.)

    However, that part of me is vastly overshadowed by the part of me that says “Blurred Lines” is in contention for The Worst Song Ever (main competition: Beyonce’s “Single Ladies”), and probably wins, because of how sketchy (and that’s being nice) the subject matter is.

    Unfortunately for Mr. Yankovic, it’s simply too hard to divorce his parody from the original song, so I can’t really listen to it. :/


    IMHO, Word Crimes is a much better song than Blurred Lines. When the parody outshines the original, that says as much about the original than the parody.

    Greg Schubert

    excuse to have Pitt buy as a sweet 3D printer

    … and then we could start printing our own Mr. Gold minifigs

    But srsly, once they are presented with the project price tag, they could start figuring this out and building it for themselves … maybe even hire some CMU undergrads to design and print it cheaply.


    They want Lego. We need to build with Lego not 3-D printed pieces. I am pretty sure they are probably very capable of doing it for themselves out of printed pieces if thats what they wanted to do.

    Greg Schubert

    They want Lego.

    I want a BMW, but when I see how much they cost, I feel differently.

    they are probably very capable of doing it for themselves

    The University could make it themselves REGARDLESS of what material is used. Most organizations that pay for big projects get quotes from multiple sources.

    Benjamin C Good

    And yet some people will still pay for a BMW. I have to go with Pete on this one. Maybe if you ask them, they’ll say a 3D-printed version is fine, but until you actually hear them say that, the idea that this is an option is purely speculative.

    I also don’t see why we would want to go this route. We don’t own a 3D printer. I’m pretty sure the idea that they would pay so we can buy one is wishful thinking. At that point, knowledge of Lego is no longer what’s most important to this project, it would be knowledge of 3D printing. It would be much cheaper and effective for them to sub it out to somebody who already has a printer and has experience designing for it and using it. If we brought it up with them, all we’d be doing is giving them reasons to not keep us involved.

    Greg Schubert

    It would be much cheaper and effective for them to sub it out to somebody who already has a printer and has experience designing for it and using it


    Matt Redfield

    … and then we could start printing our own Mr. Gold minifigs

    See, this bit belongs on #threadjacking… but the “but srsly” part (and Pete and Ben’s replies) belong back on the Project Panther thread, I would contend… somewhat jocular, to be sure, but still relevant to the discussion and whether or not we should proceed with said project.

    Greg Schubert

    I was at a Kmart yesterday and they had the new advent calendars out. I am excited to report that it has a Hannah minifig flying a remote control helicopter!

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    Benjamin C Good

    Here’s a LUG with somebody who knows how to build a good tunnel:


    Matt Redfield

    Meh. I’m more impressed with the Planet Express building in the next photo…

    Benjamin C Good

    I still don’t know where the Denmark thread is. What’s our departure time tomorrow? Pics or it didn’t happen.

    Matt Redfield

    What Denmark thread? I know LUGDoug is excited about Instagramming his trip…


    Duplo Invades The LEGO Movie 2

    lego movie sequel.

    Greg Schubert

    Does anyone in the LUG live near Uniontown, PA? My dear wife would like a specific folding chair from Target to match her set and we cannot find it in stock elsewhere and its apparently not eligble to ship to store.

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