What is your dream MOC?

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    Rich Millich

    We discussed this at the SWR Build Meeting, and this topic was juicy enough that nearly everyone has an answer:

    Describe the custom build that you wish you could do. The one creation you’ve carried around in your head that’s totally awesome and all yours. If you’ve got a reference, post that too.

    Rich Millich

    I want to build a variant of this launch bay for my starfighters, fully lighted. I just love the overhead gantry.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Rich Millich.
    Micah Beideman

    The Western Air Temple from Avatar the Last Air Bender 😛
    (which I will finally be attempting to build hopefully some time in the next few months)

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    Matt Redfield

    Ever since DIG Into Reading, I’ve wanted to expand on that concept / my build for it and do a massive anthill-style build of The Silver Chair. The sleeping giant (Father Time) that @dc221803 built with me was just one of many caverns described by CS Lewis in the book, and if one had the time and resources, it could be a truly epic (even immersive, possibly*) build. The front+back cover image shows just how cool it could be with the anthill / series of vignettes style.

    I’ve always preferred the old Pauline Baynes illustrations from the books my dad & uncle had as a kid; there’s plenty of inspiration there…

    *If you’ve been to the Aviary and seen the penguins, they have tunnels kids can crawl through, then pop up in the middle of the habitat and have penguins right in front of them. If you built big enough, these “mole holes” could be incorporated in some of the caverns, especially the larger cavern with the underground city…

    So yeah, just as soon as @bengood921 hits the lottery and donates his winnings to the LUG so we can all quit our jobs and do LEGO stuff full time, I’ll get right on this!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Matt Redfield.
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    Matt Redfield

    More Pauline Baynes illustrations, because I can and they’re gorgeous.

    I might need @hacim to build the serpent, though…

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Matt Redfield.
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    Matt Redfield

    Also, a massive Unitron layout. But awesome like the Blacktron and M-Tron ones at SFW, not dumb like this ship or this ship

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Matt Redfield.
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    Benjamin C Good

    You got to go to the Skaerbaek Fan Weekend too? I am jealous, I was looking at a lot of pics last week and there’s a lot of cool stuff there. Actually, I’m guessing then that they were both on the tour with you, cause they also both have a lot of Lego House pics posted. (I don’t know their real names, on Flickr they’re LegoOzp and Chairudo.)

    My dream build is a giant space display. I’ve been acquiring parts for it for years. If it’s ever built, it will be a giant landscape with lots of stations on different color schemes, with cars and ships and monorails to go with them. The original inspiration came from the big space pages in the 1980 idea book, which I read over and over and over as a kid:



    I will not be building in a deliberately retro style though, that doesn’t interest me.

    Doing stuff with Steel City LUG has made me realize though that I can build other stuff besides space, so I have six major projects in the works right now, all of which I’ve been buying parts for for at least several years. You guys have already seen the prototype for the castle – my dream build for that one will be way way bigger, and the GBC is regularly going on public display as it’s been designed because it needs constant testing – the dream build for that one is also way bigger (and more reliable) than the current build.


    A true minifig-scal Hogwarts castle. I’ve been thinking (and building concepts) since around 2005.

    The US Steel Tower at (near) minifig scale.

    Matt Redfield

    A true minifig-scal Hogwarts castle. I’ve been thinking (and building concepts) since around 2005.

    Aww yea, put Alice Finch to shame! (She and I are basically BFFs now, after the Denmark trip, but still… it’d be cool to build bigger & better… just need a generous, independently wealthy benefactor…)

    (rejected typo joke: did you say Scala Hogwarts Castle?)

    The US Steel Tower at (near) minifig scale.

    That helps me ‘member the other dream MOC – #MinifigScalePittsburgh!!!

    You got to go to the Skaerbaek Fan Weekend too? I am jealous, I was looking at a lot of pics last week and there’s a lot of cool stuff there. Actually, I’m guessing then that they were both on the tour with you, cause they also both have a lot of Lego House pics posted. (I don’t know their real names, on Flickr they’re LegoOzp and Chairudo.)

    Yeah, they specifically planned the LEGO House event for that Friday so more people could attend. They knew most people couldn’t likely afford separate trips. SFW saw increased attendance as a result, too.

    And yeah, Chairudo sounds familiar, but I can’t place it with a meatspace* name. LegoOzp got some pics of stuff I don’t recall seeing, like such as this.

    *I’m just trying to strike out; I’d never say that otherwise.

    PS – stop #threadjacking, Ben!

    Greg Schubert

    I had a dream, once.

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    Greg Schubert

    My dream is a real art studio with LEGO MOC’s on permanent display.

    Matt Redfield

    Ten points to (wait, which house is Greg? I can’t ‘member…) for the Tangled reference.

    My dream is a real art studio with LEGO MOC’s on permanent display.

    Like our Future Tenant gig, but permanent? That’d be rad. Could have long term large scale WIP MOC builds with real Master Builders (i.e. – us) working on them at any given time, and invite the public to partake in our efforts (a la Nathan Sawaya or Tom Sawyer) to build tunnels with curves, or minifig-scale Steel Tahrs, or whatever… that’d be rad, indeed.

    Will McDine

    It has always been by dream to have a large City/train layout in my house (similar in size to that of JangBricks or Alex Nunes on Youtube). But this dream will not happen until I am living by myself.

    Greg Schubert

    or maybe this

    Matt Redfield

    Now look what you’ve done, Greg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSdg8V2P62c

    Matt Redfield

    Joking with Greg on the Punkin Trolley thread gave me another idea: The Princess Bride.

    Not this kind, though.

    This kind. But bigger and better, of course.

    Greg Schubert

    This kind.

    I love the sword fight scene. The ROUS is brilliant, but the fire swamp, in general, is horrendous. The light through the floor of the pit of despair are unique. I don’t get the Miracle Max scene at all. Innigo vs. the Count has an awesome castle background. #tldw

    Matt Redfield

    Actually, upon closer inspection, they keep misspelling Westley’s name… inconceivable! Unforgivable!

    The ROUS is brilliant, but the fire swamp, in general, is horrendous.

    Wow… harsh… I thought it was ok… not great, but ok… heh.

    I don’t get the Miracle Max scene at all.

    What’s to get? He’s mostly dead; they want him all alive. And making characters who are exceedingly large (without using the HULK body) is very difficult. Woody legs like I used for Puddleglum are ok, but that’s not really the kind of large that Fezzik is…

    Overall, decent to great vignettes. We could do better (read: BIGGER), if’n we had a mind to. 😀

    Matt Redfield

    The “BOO!” mosaic is actually quite good / disturbing, too.

    Bob Grier

    Some day I’d like to build a working (aka motorized) Duquesne Incline, including both the upper and lower station houses, the overlook, the cars tied together to go in opposite directions simultaneously, the whole thing. I had heard that someone else in the LUG had either tried this or at least talked about it, but don’t know how far they ever got with it.

    Benjamin C Good

    That would be Walter, who got as far as posting progress pics 16 months ago. @whitesidewjw

    Duquesne incline rough build

    Bob Grier

    That would be Walter, who got as far as posting progress pics 16 months ago. @whitesidewjw

    Thanks Ben. Walter, did you ever take this any further?? @whitesidewjw

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Bob Grier.

    That would be Walter, who got as far as posting progress pics 16 months ago. @whitesidewjw

    Thanks Ben. Walter, did you ever take this any further?? @whitesidewjw

    He brought a working version of it to one of the meetings, and I know he specifically told me that he’d love to finish it, but needed people to help him…

    Recreating mt washington was supposed to be included in our project support request with LEGO that got put on hold by LEGO for unknown reasons.


    as for my dream moc, I can’t say I have one. I get inspired and dive deep. see: cathedral of learning, lamppost, sad batman, brickcrosby, etc. I suppose I do have more of an affinity for large scale projects, but just because they’re rarely done. I think I’m more inline with Greg, where I’d like a gallery of works. If anyone has ever noticed my Guernica by Picasso in my office, I’ve really wanted to do a 1:1 scale version of it with layered plates. The original is 11′ 6″ x 25′ 6″.

    Greg Schubert

    Basically, Walter needs a LEGO mountain for his incline. Sounds doable.

    Do you have a photo of the Picasso mosaic? I haven’t seen it.

    And, speaking of the gallery, I may inherit a huge mosaic in a few years:


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Greg Schubert.
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