what the heck is Greg doing?

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    Matt Redfield

    Several cities have two or three… Seattle has one North, South, and East, for example. Denver and Phoenix, being second-rate cities (but still cooler than Pittsburgh, apparently), have only two each.

    If one wondered which city in Texas is best:

    Houston – 4 LEGO Stores

    Dallas – 2 LEGO Stores
    Austin – 1 LEGO Store
    San Antonio – 1 LEGO Store
    McAllen – 1 LEGO Store

    Greg Schubert

    My last post was anticipating a trip to Toronto which involved no LEGO purchases, unless you want to count the piñatas that I saw at a store called “Bulk Barn.” I’d be more inclined to build the piñata out of real lego parts and have a kid bash that apart.

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    Greg Schubert

    None of the three LEGO stores were on the agenda. What WAS on the agenda was a trip to the ‘Museum of Illusions” which was mostly tricks with mirrors. For example, there were six versions of my wife playing cards together … and some other perspective nonsense.

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    Matt Redfield

    For example, there were six versions of my wife playing cards together …

    Greg Schubert

    Does anyone have an extra reindeer suit lady from the series 23 CMF / collectible minifigures that they are willing to trade? This series has been so hard to find compared to others.

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    Greg Schubert

    My next goal is to upgrade the hospital that I built, pre-LUG. I built it from start to finish on a school day which started as a two-hour delay and which became a bonafide snow day. It took from dawn to dusk to complete because it has a working crank elevator. My ideas for this project are like Emmet’s brain right now, all I know is that it has to fit the North Pole winter motif somehow. 🙂

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    Benjamin C Good

    That’s a lot of green 12×24 bricks there. When I was a kid, I had three of them.

    I seem to recall that we saw this hospital when we did the Everyday Heroes display at the Cranberry Library in 2015.

    Greg Schubert

    I usually don’t know where my LEGO building MOCs are going exactly, I only have a vague idea of what I am going to build and I just stare at them until an idea happens. 😀 Thanks to Joe Greco for scoring the candy canes before they were all eaten out of the BaM box!

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    Greg Schubert

    I’m still not sure where this is going, but it has involved long periods of rebuilding and brief moments of inspiration.

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    I like the pediments above the windows, the front portico, and the red candy cane striping on the front columns. You could replace the 1×1 white round plates in the quoining with red 1×1 round plates to continue the candy cane effect up the corners of the building. It would break up all the white although it might be overkill. Not sure.

    Greg Schubert

    You could replace the 1×1 white round plates in the quoining with red 1×1 round plates to continue the candy cane effect up the corners of the building.

    Thanks Tim, there is no way to know for sure but to try it. 🙂 I’ve use white cylinders too often this way, I probably should employ a more original technique.

    Btw, I’m hoping to work in those white “arch 1×2 jumper” (that were at PaB) near the top of the building. That will be a good challenge.


    I’ve use white cylinders too often this way, I probably should employ a more original technique.

    You could use 1×1 brick modified with side stud + 1×1 tile and alternate those going up the corners (hope that makes sense). That would be a slightly different quoining. You could use 1×1 brick with 2 side studs and use alternating 1×1 tiles and 1×2 tiles. But you would also need two stud lengths between the window and the end and as currently configured, you don’t have that space without completely reconfiguring the building layout. I’m definitely looking forward to more progress photos.

    I was also trying to imagine what injuries the north pole elves might suffer. Stomach ache (from too much candy) is a definite. Hyperventilation from too much Christmas joy? Substantial bodily injury (i.e. gored by a reindeer)? Intoxication from too much eggnog?

    Greg Schubert

    I was also trying to imagine what injuries the north pole elves might suffer. Stomach ache (from too much candy) is a definite. Hyperventilation from too much Christmas joy? Substantial bodily injury (i.e. gored by a reindeer)? Intoxication from too much eggnog?

    That is quite an imaginative list! My wife suggested that it should have a delivery ward for baby elves and she said that sledding accidents happen all the time. I was only thinking of a waiting room / ER and a snack bar on the first floor. These ideas will help determine construction of the interior. 🙂


    a delivery ward for baby elves and she said that sledding accidents happen all the time.

    Those are great suggestions. 🙂

    John S

    How many times can the elves possibly get their tongues stick to light poles?!? Maybe shouldn’t have made them peppermint flavored.

    Greg Schubert

    I saw a Nathan Sawaya creation at a Science Museum this past weekend. It was suspended perfectly in front of a wave image. It is all made with bricks, but the orientation he chose to use for these bricks is amazing even though its all straight up and down.

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    Bob Grier

    When Art of the Brick was here, I got a chance to talk to the crew that was setting his displays up and confirmed that Sawaya definitely uses MEC to “glue” his pieces together. Not surprising when you have to plan for these being transported not just around the country but around the world.

    For pieces like this one, it’s not surprising to see the cables as well because of how much weight is suspended forward of the base. He did the same for his T-REX skeleton, which came in (5) pieces for assembly at site.

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Bob Grier.
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    Greg Schubert

    The first image includes my original window idea for the hospital and some reference pictures. The second photo shows the latest version. Next I have to make it NOT look like a stack of two separate buildings.

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    I love the Mr. and Mrs. Clause statutes above the breezeway roof. Also I really like the winged design for the caduceus (medical insignia). Not a fan of the abrupt switch to dark green/white window (from white/red window on the first three floors) for the top floor. I think continuing in white/red would give a more cohesive look. Color aside, I really like the overall design! Thank you for all the progress pictures. I really need to ramp back up my own North Pole creations.

    Greg Schubert

    Thanks for the feedback, Tim. 🙂 I’ve tried to make the design more consistent throughout. The hospital exterior is basically finished, the next challenge will be creating the inside.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Greg Schubert.
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    Benjamin C Good

    I tried to think of examples of real life architecture where the top is very different from the rest of the building, in order to justify your dark green in the previous version, but I couldn’t come up with anything. I like this version better, it came out really well.

    I hope that sword is attached well, there’s gonna be an unhappy minifig standing below it if there’s a mishap.

    Greg Schubert

    Today’s theme: “close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.”

    I saw an add for an estate sale with a LEGO set that I really wanted that started at 8 AM yesterday and it was already 8 AM when I saw the ad! We raced over there and I searched the house but could not find the coveted item. Many minutes later, out of nowhere came this guy holding the box with the parts. He paid for his found treasure and had a huge smile on his face. I don’t know which worse, the realization that I blew a golden opportunity or the fact that the checkout people called him “lego man.” It felt like identity theft. 🙁

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    Greg Schubert

    I think my latest North Pole building, St. Nicholas Memorial Hospital, has reached the finish line. Suggestions for additions to the hospital interior are welcome.

    The hospital is equipped with a maternity ward, a recovery floor, a dentist’s office, an optometrist, a physical therapy room, a waiting room, a lobby and an ER. I was pleased to find a broken bicycle to make the exercise bike.

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    Greg Schubert

    The red windows are 20th century LEGO, but I also took advantage of more recent pieces, like 1/4 circle tiles and trans blue doors from the PaB wall. The eye chart and the wheelchair each necessitated bricklink orders.

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    Benjamin C Good

    I’m not sure if it’s just me, but the attachments in the most recent two posts here are just showing up as white rectangles (although they do have file names below), and I get an error message if I click on them.

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