What the heck is Rich building?

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  • #40435
    Rich Millich


    *FLAME ON*


    Can’t load more than one image into one post. WordPress eats the post and destroys my work on it.
    Any image link with weird characters in the link? WordPress eats the post and destroys my work on it.
    After three attempts to show my work, I quit.




    *flame off*

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Rich Millich.
    Rich Millich



    * Gathered some parts for the alternate #46, #80 and #89. I’m running out of roofs.
    * I am really torn on the place of the alternate #46. The existing #46 has a full pit crew now, and is very well sponsored by XTreme and Smooth Racing Oil. However, the alternate #46 matches the pattern of the existing #17 and #23 cars, which will all look VERY nice, especially as a three car team…
    I am leaning toward earmarking the alternate #46 to @greg since he liked the #23 a lot, and the existing #46 has that full pit crew that I need for the larger display in pit lane. Cars with pit crews in fully printed torsos take precedence there.

    This is where the alternate #46 is coming from, Greg, and the original TLG #23 for reference:

    46 and 23

    * On the street legal front, I’ve discovered that most of the license plates I’ve collected come from big construction vehicles, mostly dump trucks and large City vehicles. Do I want to MOC these? Not really, as city streets are mostly filled with cars first, then delivery vans and box trucks, and tapers off to the bigger semi trucks. City maintenance vehicles are rare, and so, I only want to build a couple.
    This means my initial plan of MOCing vehicles based on the license plates I have is a bad one. I’ll try where I find the original set interesting, but mostly plaster the remaining license plates on whatever smaller cars I build. I just want to avoid duplicate license plates in my display. I like that I have different color license plates than just the standard black text on white, as those can be “out of state” plates, and I have a few “freebies” connected to sets that aren’t City builds or are connected to sets that won’t apply, like Coast Guard.
    * To that end, I went through my dozen or so partial builds, and have decided to build most of them into compact passenger cars. I dislike that all of them are either white, red, or blue, and I will have to consciously break that pattern as much as I can with hardtops of varying colors, or convertibles, or just building a multicolored hoopty or two.

    * I put together a 6 x 12 stud sign for Chéz, a pretentious cheese, grapes and crackers and gourmet cheese sandwich shoppe. No plans for a larger layout yet. Not much of a cheese shop, is it?

    20 30 80 89

    2 46

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Rich Millich.
    Greg Schubert

    Can’t load more than one image into one post

    Can you open a free Flickr account and post the pictures there, the provide a link to the account? I think that is what several members do on this forum.

    Rich Millich

    Can’t load more than one image into one post

    Can you open a free Flickr account and post the pictures there, the provide a link to the account? I think that is what several members do on this forum.

    Okay, all right, now I have to reveal that I wanted to do a series of “Starting Grid” pics with formatting, quick identification of the driver, maybe weave them all together into a promo video. Make a big show of it once this multiyear project is done. Since my Flickr account is limited, I’d have to delete my starfighter pics to put them all over there as I create them.

    Matt Redfield

    Since my Flickr account is limited, I’d have to delete my starfighter pics to put them all over there as I create them.

    1. Sign up for new email address “richssickracecars at gmail dot com”
    2. Use new email address to sign up for second free Flickr account
    3. Profit!

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Rich Millich



    * I would really like to come to Q3 and build the alternate #46 and/or another car or two live and from scratch from LUGBRICK and parts I bring, along with showing a selection of more recent cars, like the existing #46 and/or others with their full pit crews so other members can play with them a little. PLAY. FUN. *grins* …if I can make it to Q3.
    * We should build more individual things AT these meetings, instead of talking about it. I remember the hype surrounding the Batman Movie poster as we built that, so why shouldn’t we bring our WIPs and get some hype among everybody’s individual projects too? No reason not to!


    * I am still investigating the license plates I do have, and I have six “freebie” license plates that I can build ANY street legal vehicle around. This is nice. I want more black vehicles, and one with pastel colors (probably pink/magenta or magenta/pink, which instantly sounds better) so I can beat the pants off of those TLG Friends cars in terms of design.
    * I have decided tentatively on a dark green/green/lime palette for the #89. I have found a specific driver connected to the lime helmet that was used in the original #89 set, so now I want that fig in the car. This also means that the #89 will be eligible for Pit Lane display… if I can find a sponsor in green or lime for the team. Same situation applies to the #84, as it turns out that there is a specific minifig associated with that original set.


    * I’ve set up six BL orders to the tune of about $260USD or so total to get:
    – Black, red, yellow and white flags to go with the checker and green flags I have for a fuller fan of flag logos at Winner’s Circle. I still want the blue flag with yellow stripe for yielding to lead lap cars, but TLG doesn’t make those, and I’m not sure I need those.
    – “Proper” driver figs that match the new cars #84 and #89
    – Another fig for the #23 (working toward a full pit crew there)
    – Another Motor Mike fig for the #96 (working toward a full pit crew there too)
    – Another fig for the #73 Rainbow Warrior Team 1 car (because these old figs are fairly cheap, I can go for full pit crew here too!)
    – More tires and rims (part numbers 11208 and 11209)
    – A couple dozen fig heads to give the drivers more variety and Hero / Villain / Dumb Guy character profiles
    – Parts for Bright Yellow-Orange traffic lights for the City, possibly creating a modern, American style traffic signal standard City-wide.
    – A BOB FIZZ Soft Drinks Sign! The official soda brand for LEGO apparently, discovered while doing a deep dive on BL for an unrelated part.
    – And some “cheese wedge” 1×1 quarter circle tiles to polish my Chéz logo. Whatever doesn’t fit the logo can go right onto the shop shelves anyway. Win-win for the newest side project.

    * I’m still a little awkward with requesting parts from LUGBRICK (This should be a term for our club), and trading in this LUG isn’t very functional for whatever reason, so I have to wince and pay for parts myself, mostly going my own way. This isn’t the way our club should be, but it’s been this way for years now, with a couple of exceptions. This is why I’m loose with my parts from my collection here and there, because, well, lead by example I guess??

    20 30 80 89

    2 4 5 6 7 8 18 46

    3 18 46

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Rich Millich.
    Greg Schubert

    Hey Rich, are you planning to bring any cars to the 3 meeting tomorrow?

    Rich Millich

    @greg: I just successfully removed myself from the weekend work schedule, and I can go to the event. So sure! I do intend to bring some both to show to you and to build on, including the #46 I now want to earmark for you since you’ve shown interest.

    I think the #17 and #23 would be instructive in how to design the #46, and I have a complete sticker sheet from that set. Maybe we can tag team this thing with orange and black parts, with a touch of lime. Driver not included. But I DO have orange legs for that and probably a black helmet. If I’m really lucky, some black arms and black or lime hands…

    What kinds of cars would you want to see and play with? Those under construction? Or the more recently completed ones? One with a full pit crew? I can only carry so much on public transportation, and we all leave Q3 with more than we came with, so I have to travel light to a Q3…

    So get back to me today. It’ll help me pack tonight.

    Greg Schubert

    I am still hoping that you can display some of your cars in the CARVANA tower. I don’t think it is necessary to bring the entire thing to the meeting, but I will at least bring a single platform so we can ensure that your cars will fit.

    Are the minifig parts that you listed above some parts that I should look for?

    Rich Millich



    * Sorted out some parts between the six active race car MOCs I have going. I find it easy and a quick satisfaction to at least parse parts out among multiple, related MOCs, as this gets me thinking about resources, paralleling or breaking building patterns when the resources run out.


    * Moved some funds so I can pay these BrickLink carts I have set up now, but I’m hoping I can really dig into intelligent redemption at Q3 rather than being rushed at the end of the meeting as is typical. I just need to build and bring a dedicated plan. While the BL carts have provided this, there are low quantities creeping up on me of several elements I commonly use, mostly plates.

    20 30 80 89

    2 4 5 6 7 8 18 46

    3 18 46

    Rich Millich

    I am still hoping that you can display some of your cars in the CARVANA tower. I don’t think it is necessary to bring the entire thing to the meeting, but I will at least bring a single platform so we can ensure that your cars will fit.

    Are the minifig parts that you listed above some parts that I should look for?

    * Any monochrome fig parts in black, orange, or lime. I have some, and will bring a trans-neon green visor, orange legs, and maybe black arms and “gloves”.

    * A fig head.

    * If we could get a black helmet with flames, that would be ideal given the scheme of the car. This part is 2446px5: Minifigure, Headgear Helmet Motorcycle (Standard) with Yellow and Red Flames Pattern

    * A black or orange part 45677: Wedge 4 x 4 x 2/3 Triple Curved, to act as the roof. I think I can take a plain one from an existing MOC, but I’m not sure.

    * Orange part 32028: Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with Door Rail. I have 4 in Black. These are to connect…

    * Orange part 50745: Vehicle, Mudguard 4 x 2 1/2 x 1 2/3 with Arch Round. We would need 4. I have 4 in Black, which *might* be the more bold choice. Not sure.

    * Black and orange 1x wide tiles of varying lengths up to 4 studs, and 2×2 tiles.

    * Black and orange 1x wide plates of varying lengths up to 6 studs.

    * Black and orange bows of varying lengths. 1×2, 1×3 and 1×4 are independently useful.

    * Orange and black 2×2 corner plates to build up the nose and hood of the car, mostly to sandwich around the tires.

    * Orange “grilled cheese”, part 61409: Slope 18 2 x 1 x 2/3 with 4 Slots. This is for flexibility to make the 46 maybe a little different from its cousins in the #17 and #23. I have plenty of black.

    * Black hinge parts 3937: Hinge Brick 1 x 2 Base and 6134: Hinge Brick 2 x 2 Top Plate. This assembly is used on nose and trunk to hold and angle the stickered 2×2 tiles into the rest of the assembly.

    This is the sticker sheet I’m dealing with:

    The sticker sheet hasn’t been fully assigned yet, but some of it is easy based on existing patterns:

    * The long 46/Fuzone/Heavdo sticker was originally meant for a Technic arm, but looks like it fits a 1×6 tile. That one goes onto the spoiler.
    * The two 46/EnGyne/Heavdo stickers go onto the side walls, which are black 1×4 bricks.
    * The connected, angled orange flame stickers, originally meant for a smaller 4-stud wide fender? Well, the orange part fits on a 1×2 orange baby bow that will transition to the other sticker on a black 1x wide black tile, both probably on the hood.
    * The 2×2 Fuzone tile should fit a 2×2 orange tile angled atop a black hinge top and base, which will be placed one the nose of the car OR on the back of the trunk.
    * This is where the 2×2 46/Fuzone sticker in the upper right comes in. This can go on the nose or trunk. Trunk is probably better, as the flames surrounding the 2×2 tile on the nose will be symmetrical.
    * There is one small orange Fuzone sticker, about 1×2, that will probably fit somewhere on the center of the car, because there’s only one of them.
    * The 4 and 6 stickers should meet next to each other on a black or orange roof. Black looks better in my head, as it would be “catching fire” independent of the nose of the car.

    That leaves the 1×1 black vents and the 1×2 orange sticker with black vents, which may not be used. That’s what I’m thinking in terms of finishing stickering once the parts get toward the surface.

    I will bring the #17 and #23 for necessary reference, and the parts needed to build out the probable flat silver bits and cheese trickery I used on those cars.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Rich Millich.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Rich Millich.
    Greg Schubert

    I thought I read somewhere that bricklink was going to find an east way for people to share wanted lists. Does anyone know if that has that happened (or was it just a weird dream that I had)?

    Matt Redfield

    *FLAME ON*


    This is the sticker sheet I’m dealing with:

    The F U Zone, eh? So is this car sponsored by WordPress, then…? #InquiringMindsWantToKnow

    Rich Millich

    I thought I read somewhere that bricklink was going to find an east way for people to share wanted lists. Does anyone know if that has that happened (or was it just a weird dream that I had)?


    By the way, parts list updated if you want to help out, @greg. I’m certain I have *some* of these parts, but I obviously can’t check until I get home and start packing it up.

    The roof and the bows are the key. The sides of spoiler won’t look great, but it’ll do with this sticker sheet. Maybe we can throw on 2×2 triangle tiles on there…

    EDIT: I *KNOW* that I have two 2×2 triangle tiles in black. Bonus.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Rich Millich.
    Rich Millich

    *FLAME ON*


    This is the sticker sheet I’m dealing with:

    The F U Zone, eh? So is this car sponsored by WordPress, then…? #InquiringMindsWantToKnow

    The F U Zone. I *just* noticed that. Well played.

    Rich Millich

    The F U Zone, eh? So is this car sponsored by WordPress, then…? #InquiringMindsWantToKnow

    I *just* noticed that. Well played, sir. Well played.

    Matt Redfield

    I *just* noticed that. Well played, sir. Well played.

    Thank yew.

    Ever since the Philadelphia Flyers’ arena was known as the First Union Center, I’ve noticed stuff like this… heh.

    Greg Schubert

    parts list updated if you want to help out

    Sorry, where is the parts list?

    Rich Millich


    I am still hoping that you can display some of your cars in the CARVANA tower. I don’t think it is necessary to bring the entire thing to the meeting, but I will at least bring a single platform so we can ensure that your cars will fit.

    Are the minifig parts that you listed above some parts that I should look for?

    * Any monochrome fig parts in black, orange, or lime. I have some, and will bring a trans-neon green visor, orange legs, and maybe black arms and “gloves”.

    * If we could get a black helmet with flames, that would be ideal given the scheme of the car. This part is 2446px5: Minifigure, Headgear Helmet Motorcycle (Standard) with Yellow and Red Flames Pattern

    * A black or orange part 45677: Wedge 4 x 4 x 2/3 Triple Curved, to act as the roof. I think I can take a plain one from an existing MOC, but I’m not sure.

    * Orange part 32028: Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with Door Rail. I have 4 in Black. These are to connect…

    * Orange part 50745: Vehicle, Mudguard 4 x 2 1/2 x 1 2/3 with Arch Round. We would need 4. I have 4 in Black, which *might* be the more bold choice. Not sure.

    * Black and orange 1x wide tiles of varying lengths up to 4 studs, and 2×2 tiles.

    * Black and orange 1x wide plates of varying lengths up to 6 studs.

    * Black and orange bows of varying lengths. 1×2, 1×3 and 1×4 are independently useful.

    * Orange and black 2×2 corner plates to build up the nose and hood of the car, mostly to sandwich around the tires.

    * Orange “grilled cheese”, part 61409: Slope 18 2 x 1 x 2/3 with 4 Slots. This is for flexibility to make the 46 maybe a little different from its cousins in the #17 and #23. I have plenty of black.

    * Black hinge parts 3937: Hinge Brick 1 x 2 Base and 6134: Hinge Brick 2 x 2 Top Plate. This assembly is used on nose and trunk to hold and angle the stickered 2×2 tiles into the rest of the assembly.

    This is the sticker sheet I’m dealing with:

    The sticker sheet hasn’t been fully assigned yet, but some of it is easy based on existing patterns:

    * The long 46/Fuzone/Heavdo sticker was originally meant for a Technic arm, but looks like it fits a 1×6 tile. That one goes onto the spoiler.
    * The two 46/EnGyne/Heavdo stickers go onto the side walls, which are black 1×4 bricks.
    * The connected, angled orange flame stickers, originally meant for a smaller 4-stud wide fender? Well, the orange part fits on a 1×2 orange baby bow that will transition to the other sticker on a black 1x wide black tile, both probably on the hood.
    * The 2×2 Fuzone tile should fit a 2×2 orange tile angled atop a black hinge top and base, which will be placed one the nose of the car OR on the back of the trunk.
    * This is where the 2×2 46/Fuzone sticker in the upper right comes in. This can go on the nose or trunk. Trunk is probably better, as the flames surrounding the 2×2 tile on the nose will be symmetrical.
    * There is one small orange Fuzone sticker, about 1×2, that will probably fit somewhere on the center of the car, because there’s only one of them.
    * The 4 and 6 stickers should meet next to each other on a black or orange roof. Black looks better in my head, as it would be “catching fire” independent of the nose of the car.

    That leaves the 1×1 black vents and the 1×2 orange sticker with black vents, which may not be used. That’s what I’m thinking in terms of finishing stickering once the parts get toward the surface.

    I will bring the #17 and #23 for necessary reference, and the parts needed to build out the probable flat silver bits and cheese trickery I used on those cars.

    Rich Millich

    parts list updated if you want to help out

    Sorry, where is the parts list?

    Several posts back. #40501

    Rich Millich


    Built the alternate #46 for @greg in black and orange flame, sponsored by Fuzone, Hevado and others. Does a ResQ torso fit as a firesuit? Why, yes. Yes it does.

    We tested the largest race car I had, and it fits the CARVANA bays nicely.

    20 30 80 89

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    3 18 46

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Rich Millich.
    Greg Schubert

    alternate 46 car by @zaximillian

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Rich Millich



    * @greg: That alternate #46 car looks good, and turned out to be just about on par with the #17 and #23 cars. It’s inevitable that the cars are each a little different, as dictated by the sticker sheet available. There really isn’t much improvement I could suggest, and that’s a good sign.

    * I’ve decided to change the cars in my work space. I think I’ll keep one race car, one alternate, and one street legal vehicle there so I can dive into any style I feel like at the time.

    The next race car will probably be the #30, as I am ordering the “correct” minifig head and helmet for it, and it’s about 60% done right now.

    The next alternate is definitely the alternate #18, this one for @randomdan, and done in blue, medium blue, lime, yellow and flat silver. I’m pretty excited to finish this one, as the tiles that match this set look great.
    Maybe the alternate #4 for @tfdesigns after that, because he’s the one that brought the #29 to my attention. The alternate #4 is looking like a palette swap with some shaping and sponsorship changes, and with something close to a full pit crew already. Both of these will be pretty good looking cars too.

    Look below: if you’re interested in a car, or have followed this thread and I’ve forgotten, PM me about an available number, and I can either reserve it for you, or send you the parts I do have so you can get after it yourself.

    The street legal vehicle will probably be two: the taxis that are waiting door pieces.


    * There is actually a #83 available. The 1×2 number tile, in black, silver and lime, is from set 8307, the Turbo Racer set from 2000. The original set is in a variety of colors, but the “83” is in colors that are easy to work with. Unfortunately, the part and sticker sheet are a little expensive, and you really need four number stickers to fill out a car. So this one goes on the “not likely to ever do this” pile with the #34/#52 sticker sheet from set 4589, which would yield both sets of four stickers. If anybody wants to take a crack at these more expensive possibilities, let me know and I can make some design suggestions to you.

    * I bought four Monster Truck sets, and so now I have four of these figs, and I’m thinking of figbarfing this with the lime and checkerboard helmet that matches the existing #89 car that I originally planned to build in lime, green and dark green, shifting the color scheme to lime, purple, with white and black bits.

    20 30 80 89 (34 52 83?)

    2 4 5 6 7 8 27

    3 (4?) 18 46

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Rich Millich.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Rich Millich.
    Rich Millich



    * Walking around, I realized that I can take another degree of departure in shaping for my street legal car designs. I can do snub nosed cars, boxy with long, horizontal lines, big front, big trunk, round on one end and boxy on the other, and I can start designing pick-up trucks and flatbeds. I might want to do a beer delivery truck with kegs. I’ve also rediscovered a second City Pizza van set, so I can MOC the second food truck into something else while using the yellow and dark red parts to refine the City Pizza modular building that’s in development hell. And I also want to build a stretch limo in white to use those pearl gold rims I have.

    If I’m not building, I’m thinking about building, that’s for sure…

    Building with @greg was fun, and he helped refine the design through experimenting. As he said, color blocking rules don’t apply as much with a race car. The second advantage I have with a Near Future approach in this race car project is that I don’t have to adhere to a shaping standard either. I just need to commit to cockpit placement, wheelbase, and the general size of the cars, keeping them within a stud forward and back, a plate or two in height, and keeping the width within 7 studs.

    I’m thinking about going home tonight and taking inventory of my street legal vehicles that I have completed and perhaps assigning some free license plates to them.

    20 30 80 89 (34 52 83? Nah.)

    2 4 5 6 7 8 27

    3 to Matt (4 for Frost?) (18 for Dan Walker) 46 to Greg

    Rich Millich


    * Finished the alternate #4, and it’s on display at BFL now. This car does come with a full pit crew.

    * Goofing around a little bit with the alternate #7 tonight. Maybe.

    20 30 80 89

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    3 4 18 46

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