Hi welcome Jimmy!! Nice to meet you!! Thanks for joining and if you like lego I can tell you, as a newbie myself, your gonna love it here and these guys are great!!
Thank you everyone for all your help so far. I am talking with them and we should have size and more info by next week. I will keep you updated. Merry Christmas!!!
So I will talk to them. I normally volunteer on Tuesdays so I will get the details next time I’m there. Just wondering, how long do the installations normally stay?
Yes, I was. Hopefully, they will be doing it again. Do you know anything about that? Also, I’m so glad I can join this amazing group and get to know all of you guys!!
Thank you!! That was part of my display at Brick fest live Monroeville 2022. I have an Instagram (brickbreaker4life) where I have more pictures and I also have a Flickr of the same name if u want to see more!!! Also, it’s still in progress it’s only 2/3 complete, I have a lot more planned!!
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Cameron Kennedy.