I have heard of HardLUG and I follow them on Facebook, unfortunately their website is very lacking. As far as I can tell they don’t have Forums or any way of communicating with the group on there. That is one of the things that I really like about this group. It seems like there are a lot of very active members (that and some of the MOCs of Pittsburgh are what really drew me into this group). If I get a chance to check out on of HardLUG’s meetings then maybe I can find out some more information from the members and find it more inviting. I hadn’t heard of RichLUG but I will definitely have to check them out.
Matt, I have seen all of those except for the completed Helms Deep. The Rivendell and Helms Deep are both amazing. I don’t know if I would be able to come close to building something like that but it gives me something to work towards. That is a huge financial commitment not to mention the amount of time actually building something of that scale. For now I will continue to acquire bricks that may be of use in a MOC and when I get some free time I will see what scale might be possible haha
Thank you all for the recommendations.